Here at Middle College High School, we have a journalism elective class that runs the school news known as The Spellbinder, where we cover a broad range of topics from politics and fashion to world news and local stories. These articles are published in many formats from printed magazines, podcasts and online articles. While The Spellbinder is well-known, the question arises: Is it really worth reading, and do students enjoy it?
Student news is an important part of school culture because it allows students to freely express themselves, share their opinions and highlight their interests.
Sophomore Daniel Rodriguez was quick to elaborate on his feelings about The Spellbinder.
“I think The Spellbinder is an interesting idea and it does have a lot to offer, but there is one issue with it,” Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez explained that The Spellbinder faces a major issue.
“Not many people go out of their way to even read the stories,” Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez does mention how not many people read The Spellbinder since students don’t feel the need and the desire to read these articles or hear people’s opinions.
Sophomore Juan Galvan also shared his opinion on The Spellbinder.
“I also think that The Spellbinder is a very important part of our school because it lets people express their ideas, but it doesn’t perform well,” Galvan said.
Galvan further explained his viewpoint on why The Spellbinder doesn’t perform as well.
“It gets outshined by the school news Mr. V does. The school news is better because all the kids during the seminar have to watch it,” Galvan said.
At Middle College, the school news channel, run by Mr. Valenzuela, is played during every seminar class. Most students are required to watch it, which is why the video news has gained more popularity than the journalistic news.
Both Rodriguez and Galvan had interesting opinions on The Spellbinder’s success but also had a lot to say about why it wasn’t as big as our other school news.
From another perspective, junior Jake Brito added a more positive view on The Spellbinder.
“Yeah, I’ve heard of The Spellbinder, It’s pretty cool and interesting,” Brito said.
He went on to explain why The Spellbinder is worth reading.
“I think it’s worth reading because I’ve read a few stories and I would definitely go out of my way to read more,” Brito said.
Brito gave a positive review, sharing that he enjoys reading some of the stories and would recommend others to do the same.
Senior Yojana Hernandez also shared a positive opinion.
“Yes, I have heard about The Spellbinder and have read the little books, ” Hernandez said.

Beyond reading the stories, Hernandez explained how she enjoys the physical copy of the magazine which is called The Spellbook.
“I think it is worth reading. When it comes to the physical copies, I believe that it is formatted in a way that is entertaining and informative. I have also read the articles through the website,” Hernandez said.
In conclusion, The Spellbinder plays a significant role in allowing students at Middle College to express themselves and share their passions through journalism. While it does face challenges like competing for the school’s attention, it is still valued by many students. The diverse opinions gathered from students have highlighted both areas for growth and how well the Spellbinder has attracted the attention of students.