With friends attending different schools and families spread across the country, social media has become a daily tool we use to communicate. Teens use social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat with different features of communication. Whether it’s sending funny videos to each other or keeping in touch, social media has become an important part of our daily communication.
Studies show that 83% of teens on social media say they feel more connected with their friend’s lives. Being able to stay informed about our friend’s daily life can keep us updated on how our friends are feeling or going through.
Social media helps us stay connected in many ways. Sometimes, we don’t have time to see our friends or family in person, but a single message can keep us connected with each other.
Freshman Roselyn Alas shares how social media helps her communicate with family and friends.
“It has changed how I communicate with them, because instead of just talking to them and wondering what they’re doing or where they are, I get to just call them or text them, and I can communicate with them,” Alas said.
She expressed how it is easier to communicate with them using social media instead of wondering what her friends are up to. Being separated from our friends because we attend different schools can be difficult, as it means starting at a new school with new people.
“A lot of my friends after eighth grade, we all went to different schools, so I still get to talk to them even while I’m in school.” Alas said. “So it’s good that I get to still talk with them,”
After middle school, many of Alas’ friends had gone to different schools, but social media helps them stay in touch.
Family members living far away could make it difficult to communicate with them, but with technology advancing it has made it easier to stay connected. Now, we can communicate from anywhere.
Alas shares how social media allows her to communicate with her extended family living outside the United States.
“I call my family that doesn’t live in the US, and I get to communicate with them even though I don’t live with them,” Alas said.
Since Alas’ family members are far away, social media has been helpful in allowing her to communicate with them by a simple call.
Freshman Sofia Vargas shares how she uses social media to communicate with family and friends.
“I get to talk to them, contact them, and text my parents whenever I want to do so using social media,” Vargas said.
Vargas shared how using text messages allows her to stay in touch with her parents throughout her day. As for many teenagers, staying in contact with their parents when they aren’t home is important to them or even during school.
As social media continues to grow, it changes how we communicate with each other. From staying updated about our friends’ lives to messaging long-distance family members, social media has become a key part of daily communication.