They exist too…
An in-depth photograph of a plant sprouting out of concrete.
After seeing the results of both past student spotlights, it becomes clear that the purpose of the spotlight was not achieved. The winners certainly deserved to win, they are quite honestly amazing role models for their grade level, but the student spotlight was intended to shine on someone who normally doesn’t receive attention and was even stated as such on the forms. Don’t get me wrong, however, because the winners absolutely deserve it. They meet every criterion for the spotlight, being the inspirational scholars that they are and all. However, the most crucial criteria for getting the spotlight was not met. Both winners of the spotlight already gain a lot of recognition, whether it would be from teachers or the whole student body.
In retrospect, I find the idea of the student spotlight to have been too hopeful. I do not know what went through my mind when it was proposed, or why I thought it would work. Students like the recent winners of the spotlights may be the most common people that come to mind when asking the student body who deserves recognition. Think about it, can you really expect a group of people to vote for a student that isn’t really known? Some may argue that the winners are the only students who deserve recognition, because if other students deserved it, then they would also be getting a lot of awards, but I beg to differ. Other people exist, and whether you want to recognize it or not, they are all around you.
There is a girl in this school who wakes up when the sky is pitch black as she makes her way to school. She fades away in a crowd but stands out like a shiny penny on a worn floor when she’s given the chance. The girl dedicates her life to academics, and even more so to the student body. She does so with a smile, a smile that is getting rarer and rarer to see. Her weekends mostly consist of going to a food drive to help those in need, a sign of the goodness in her heart that her mouth simply can’t share. But even so, why is she so invisible? Everyone has seen her, as she has gone to almost every event at school and even helps manage these said events, so what’s the problem? Where are her nominations? She exists too!
Did you know that there is a musician in this school who travels around California with his father, spreading smiles and cheers wherever he goes? Surely you’ve seen him, as I’m positive he has held at least one door open for you. A heart made out of gold, but you wouldn’t know that you don’t even attempt to make small talk beside the “thank you” that leaves your lips as you briskly make your way to your next class. Like the girl, you can find him on the weekends helping those less fortunate with that signature smile of his.
I want to stress that I am not trying to demean the winners, but Juniors, pay attention, please. Think critically about who you choose, because sometimes the first choice isn’t always the best. The most popular kids are not hurting for attention, but people with stories like the ones above could use more. Make a genuine effort to find those people. Juniors, don’t allow the same mistakes to take place.
Everyone has a story, and while I can’t sit here and write a dissertation acknowledging everyone’s hard work, I can at least point out that those people exist. Let’s hope that the next classmate who wins the spotlight is a new name, and not one you see at the forefront of the assemblies. Whether you win the spotlight or not, you are bound to receive a spotlight sooner or later. Take the time to remember that this school is full of brilliant students, and while they might not act like it sometimes, they certainly exist too.