Goodbye to our beloved, Mrs. Maharaj
Mrs. Maharaj and her last MCHS MedCore class
At Middle College High School, there are a few Career Technical Education (CTE) classes that students can take throughout their years here. The purpose of these CTE classes are to enhance students’ abilities in their area of study and get them prepared for their future careers. One of the CTE classes offered at Middle College is Medical Core, which has been taught by none other than Mrs. Maharaj. However, on March 7th, Mrs. Maharaj taught Medical Core for the last time at MCHS and left the school for good.
Her experience at MCHS was wonderful because she said that, “On the very first day that I visited MCHS I was given a very warm welcome by the principal and all of the staff in B10. From the first day I started teaching there, they, and all of the teachers, made me feel most welcome and readily provided any assistance I needed. It really wasn’t long before I felt like ‘family’ and truly loved being at MCHS with its exceptionally amazing students who were a joy to teach!” Mrs. Maharaj loved teaching at MCHS and said that her “students’ successes and the many aha moments witnessed” were her favorite part of her experience.
There are many reasons why a teacher can decide to leave, such as a new opportunity, additional schooling, or even retirement. For Mrs. Maharaj, however, it was a little different, and she said that “My decision was extremely difficult and I agonized over it.” She said, “MCHS absolutely did not play a part in this decision. I did not like the manner in which things were being handled by CTE. In particular, I did not like the lack of response/communication/support at times when it was really needed. Certain requests were being made and limitations being imposed that, in my opinion, were unreasonable. I think it is common knowledge that I often give my time willingly and freely as I profoundly believe in doing what’s best for my students.” Mrs. Maharaj didn’t want to leave MCHS and assured that the school didn’t play a role in her decision to leave, but rather CTE.
Mrs. Maharaj has inspired many students at MCHS to pursue careers and pathways in the field of medicine. Junior Tina Vo said, “I am sad that Mrs. Maharaj left us at this time, but I understand why she needed to do it. I really admire her passion for what she loves doing, and I’m glad that she has influenced us to continue being better as we move forward.” Tina had Mrs. Maharaj for MedCore, and is sad to see her leave so soon.
Junior Joe Ramirez said, “I am happy I had the opportunity to take Mrs. Maharaj because she broadened my knowledge in the medical field and taught me fundamental information on how to be successful in the career of my choosing.” Ramirez said he can relate to how Vo feels about Mrs. Maharaj leaving MCHS because they were both inspired by her stories, knowledge, and passion to succeed and become a competitive individual for their future.
Mrs. Maharaj wants all her students to know that, “I was so touched and it meant the world to me to know how much I was appreciated. I am truly sorry that I needed to leave at the time that I did. My students did not deserve this, but I simply could not continue to work under the circumstances. I willingly left South Africa because we were exploited and came to America where I expected everything to be different. Often, our expectations were met or exceeded but, much to my dismay, I found myself being exploited. Circumstances arose where I felt compelled to stick to my principles because I wasn’t given the opportunity of the meeting requested to address those issues.”
She continues on saying, “I’m sorry that I’m not at liberty to explain this in detail as you do deserve an explanation. Please know that I agonized over this decision and implemented it with a heavy heart. I think of you every day and miss you very much, and am relieved that you’re in good hands with Ms. Groff. Please continue to excel, as you always do, as your success is paramount. I am so proud of how well you’ve all been doing and look forward to someday hearing that you’ve achieved your career goals. I wish all of you success in everything you do; may you have bright, happy and healthy futures.”
Mrs. Maharaj hopes to travel in the future and is currently enjoying spending time and catching up with her family. Best wishes to her, and MCHS thanks her for how many students she has inspired through her stories, experience, and charisma.

Fun Facts:
I've watched "Grey's Anatomy" three times... and counting.
I McLove McChickens.
Medicine is cool.