Introducing the ASB of tomorrow
Introducing the new ASB president, Jessie Ortiz, and vice president, Karen Alegria.
As the 2018-2019 school year comes to an end, we must say goodbye to the current ASB presidents and say hello to the ASB cabinet of 2019-2020. As of April 19, the 2019 MCHS ASB President is Jessie Ortiz and our Vice President is Karen Algeria, so let us get a glimpse of the future and get to know the ASB of tomorrow!
Ortiz said that he has wanted to run for President since he was a freshman and that when you want to do something you “gotta do it.” He said that he has a “really wacky idea” to inspire participation. Ortiz is working with Mr. Voight and Karen to install a house system much like the one from Hogwarts. These houses would mix the grades together and allow the grades to become less isolated from one another. He also mentions that he elaborates on his plan for individual spirit days rather than weeks in his blog. Ortiz mentioned that his main plans for next year is to have more student input in order to improve ASB events and install a new way to pay for dances. “We’re all wizards and we got to make the best of it.”
“I think what made me want to run was I wanted to see change” said Vice President Algeria. She said that she wanted to run for Vice President because she wanted to share her ideas, and because of encouragement of her. Algeria mentioned that a lot of plans weren’t executed all that well this year and that she had ideas on how to accomplish things better and encourage involvement in students. One of her plans to encourage more participation in students next year is to look towards ASB and getting them to advertise more. She said that she would encourage the ASB members to talk to people outside of the grade level more, so that more people are involved with ASB. Some of the other goals she has is to create a better atmosphere, introduce new events, and encourage more inclusiveness at our school.
Jessie Ortiz and Karen Alegria are the new ASB President and Vice President for next year. Both candidates are excited for what the future holds, and already have plans to ensure that next year will be full of polls, nooners, spirit, and lots of change.

My favorite color is royal blue, I want to travel the world, and I love to sing with my niece.