Listen to the cheer- the Spellbinder holiday playlist
The Spellbinder staff’s favorite songs for the upcoming holidays this winter.
It’s that time again! With the holidays just around the corner, the 2020-2021 spellbinder staff compiled this merry playlist with all of our holiday favorites.
Holiday Favorites:
Mrs. Storms:
Christmas Wrapping- The Waitresses
Maria Alegria:
Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree- Brenda Lee
Robert Ayala:
Underneath the Tree- Kelly Clarkson
Sahira Cariño:
Santa Tell Me- Ariana Grande
Stephanie Cervantes:
Sleigh Ride- The Ronettes
Jazmin Chavira:
Santa Tell Me- Ariana Grande
Esmeralda Coeto:
Crystal Snow- BTS
Jason Espiritu:
Last Christmas- Wham!
Fabiola Gomez:
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas- Michael Buble
Victor Guillen:
All I Want For Christmas Is You- Mariah Carey
Christine Hinckley:
Santa Claus Is Back In Town- Elvis Presley
David Joaquin:
Blame It On The Mistletoe- Kendall Schmidt
Leslie Portillo:
Christmas Tree Farm- Taylor Swift
Itzel Quiroz:
Mistletoe- Justin Bieber
Viviana Rivera:
Tomorrow It Is Christmas- Loving Caliber
Jaquelyn Robledo:
We’re The Lucky Ones- The Marias
Ashley Santana:
Last Christmas- Wham!
Sandy Villalobos:
All I Want For Christmas Is You- Mariah Carey
Valerie Chavez:
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)- John Lennon
Elizabeth Correa:
Christmas Blues- Sabrina Claudio
Noe De Santiago:
Last Christmas- Wham!
Evelyn Gudino:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas- Jason Manns
Ivette Solorzano:
Frosty the Snowman- The Ronettes

I have 7 piercings (so far)
I bought my first car at 16 :)
I've been 5’4 since 6th grade (ouch)