Something stronger than any muscle


Robert Ayala

Robert Ayala’s family celebrates a birthday during quarantine.

An obstacle is defined as something which puts a hold on a goal or task, therefore, the coronavirus can be classified as an obstacle in many people’s lives. More importantly, it’s had numerous negative effects on the Latino communities of the United States. Places such as Santa Ana, however, which are tightly- knit and have experienced the tests of time again and again understand their priorities and how to move through such challenges. 

For the students of Santa Ana there were numerous issues regarding the pace of their lives. And rightfully so, because after attending in-person classes for a majority of their lives only to need to switch it up to online but still be expected to perform for standardized tests, scholarships, college admissions, and normal classes, students themselves have been exhausted. 

Senior Jose Guerrero said, “Life has been pretty unbalanced I would say. I mean, being at home has messed up my awareness of when it’s time to be serious and do work and when to use my time to relax.” 

Through this change in lifestyle and pacing, some may not be able to find complete solace in their families. No family is without their issues, but considering that a vast majority of Santa Ana’s community was able to survive or make it this far into the pandemic demonstrates strength beyond muscle. 

Guerrero stated, “I would say that quarantine has made it so that we get to engage with each other for better and worse. There isn’t much room in our household so you can imagine how it would be for one to do their own thing in a family of six.” 

Each person has had their own battle and all have won them in the sense that they are able to stand with us today. For each battle, one also has their own motivation. Many families hung close to the idea that they were together and have not only grown closer, but also more aware of each other.

“As quarantine slowed down my pace of life, I have been able to use more of my time to engage with my family. I’ve been talking more to my mother and sister about my feelings, which has definitely helped me out a lot,” Guerrero said. 

Quarantine has brutally shown the many truths of people close to us or that we admire. For one reason or another, we have to take those truths and act upon them to improve so that the time those before us invested isn’t wasted and so we can secure the future for those after us. 

Guerrero stated, “I should say that quarantine is both liberating and debilitating. It just goes to show us how precious our time is, and when our course of life is changed so abruptly, we get to see the type of people we really are.”

We have lost many things over this period of time and though perhaps we may not understand why, we are moving forward. Our community is healing and through the resources available, we will make do once more. We are still growing and this quarantine has shown us that strength is not only derived from the muscles on our body but the love we hold for one another.