Why you should join journalism by William Gallegos, Staff Writer
Journalism lead to a better path for this MCHS staff writer, William Gallegos.
When I first joined journalism, I had low expectations for it, and believed it was going to be another boring class where I just ask people questions and type all day long. After a few months, I took a 180 and enjoyed every moment of journalism.
Becoming part of the team shows your true talents and what fits you best.
Joining journalism means that you are part of a large, important community that gives information to the rest of the world such as trends, sports, entertainment and politics. When you first join the team, you may be nervous, but that is not a problem; you will be welcomed by everyone around you and we will make sure we provide a comfortable environment for all. Social skills are vital for this class, no matter what; you will have to speak to people such as your editors, peers, and interviewees, which is something that many people haven’t been able to do during the pandemic. As you get to go outside your comfort zone, you will realize that it is not as bad as it seems. You meet new people and make strong connections with them.
You, the writer, are responsible for getting vital information from legitimate sources that the public deserves to hear. However, if you want the public to find out about your story, you must first get their attention or else your story will not be heard of. You are what makes your story newsworthy and engaging to the public. You need to remain positive and avoid feeling down as it can ruin your reputation at writing. Nobody will read a story that is all over the place and is constantly out of line.
Seeing your work getting read by many people is one of the best feelings you can experience. You decide what you are going to cover and either express your thoughts or explain the information that was given to you. In fact, there are times when you will be covering topics you never thought of writing about such as the weather or controversial stories. Your determination and skills is what determines whether you are fit for this. Yes this class is a lot of work, but along the way you enjoy getting to know new people and improving your writing skills.
In the end, all the work you did was worth it because you will make the day of many people.