“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” revives the fandom once again

via Twitter (@LordoftheFeathers)
Five Nights at Freddy’s gaining popularity once again.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a game that has evolved from a point-and-click survival game to the newest free-roam game. As many kids and teens started to watch “let’s plays” of games that are now very popular from their favorite content creators, this started the ball rolling of the multi-series “Five Night’s at Freddy’s.” The controls in the game were fairly simple as to move the point of view of the office you are set up in, is just to move the mouse left or right a point to a direction, you have a tablet that shows you the camera views of the pizzeria. To secure yourself from the four animatronics that would eventually come into your office, you have two doors that can be locked from the inside with a press of a button. You can lock the door and use another button to turn the outside of the office light on. The four animatronic consist of Freddy Frazbear the main attraction, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, and Foxy the fox. While playing the game you must monitor the four animatronics with the cameras that are placed within the restaurant, all while monitoring your limited amount of power. To advance to the next night of the week you must secure yourself in the office from 12 a.m to 6 a.m. This is in comparison to the free-roam which leads a path onto larger maps, tiny details, a storyline you must follow throughout the game, along with a long set of missions you must complete before leaving Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. But this time you have the help of Freddy Frazbear in the old game Freddy would come into your office, jumpscare you and would simply mean game over.
The lore in the game is written within the first game along with all the other games, some fans investigate what is going on inside the pizzeria. There is lore written within the phone calls the player gets at the start of each night, telling of any clues to survival within the game. As fans try to uncover the name of the person sending the phone calls, many have named him Phone Guy. The first night of the game gives hints on what the player may uncover in lore.
The Phone Guy said, “Uh, they (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy) used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of ’87. Yeah. I-It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?”
Many do not know what this is referencing because the evidence was going to arise in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” the second game to be created which mentioned The Bite of 87. After Night 6, Phone Guy calls Jeremy, the security guard that the player controls in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” to tell him he would be working the day shift the following day. The closing scene is a newspaper saying that Freddy Frazbear’s would be closing due to a malfunction in the animatronics, along with a check dated “11-13-1987” leading back to Jeremy, who had worked that day and may have had his frontal lobe ripped from his head from one of the animatronics.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “William Afton one of the creators of Frazbear industries, murdered children and would then place them in animatronic suits so that no one would find the body.”
William Afton married and being a father of three, along with Henry Emily married and father of two children are the co-owners of Frazbear Entertainment when they opened a diner named Fredbears Family Diner. Both were mechanical geniuses who created two spring-lock suits so they can serve and entertain their guests, but can also pass as animatronic suits. The animatronics SpringBonnie and Fredbear. After this another location named Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria opened, featuring Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, causing them to start selling merchandise like masks and stuffed animals. This was the start of the murder spree from William Afton, there was a private party at the pizzeria where William placed his SpringBonnie suit on and gathered 5 children to the back of the pizzeria telling them that he had a surprise for them. William Afton murdered these 5 children and stuffed them into the mechanical suits of Fredbear (the first Freddy suit) Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. This caused Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria to be closed down. After this Circus baby was created to be able to stuff children inside of her without killing children in front of crowds.
William Afton said, “She can dance, she can sing, she’s equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice cream.”
William’s and Henry’s families would occasionally visit the animatronics, like William’s daughter Elizabeth Afton. Elizabeth loved Circus Baby, though her father would never let her see Circus Baby. Circus Baby had killed Elizabeth because of the programming that William Afton had set. Soon William told both Micheal and Evan (Crying Child) his sons to never go near the animatronics alone in a room. William had no idea what to do but create a sound illusion disk that had a high-frequency level noise that would create nightmares for his youngest son. William had set cameras in Evan’s room to be able to monitor him along with a Golden Freddy Plushie. During all this going on Michael would scare his little brother with a Foxy mask every day until Evan’s birthday party.
De La Cruz said, “Then one of his sons, nicknamed the Crying Child, was placed in the head of one of the active animatronics on stage by his older brother (Michael Afton) and friends. The Crying Child’s head was crushed by the animatronic, becoming one of the bite incidents at a Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria”
Michael would plan how to bully Evan into the Diner for his birthday party. Michael and his friends had Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica masks. Michael and his friends bullied Evan into the diner and they had shoved Evan inside the mouth of Fredbear. This caused the Fredbear springs’ jaw to lock and bite Evan’s head. Evan would have Nightmares like the ones that William had made, but this time there was a Nightmare version of Fredbear. Henry Emily would kick William Afton from controlling or doing anything about Frazbear Entertainment. Henry would pair up with businessmen and women to make the franchise go to another level and cover up the messes that William Afton had left behind.
In an attempt to cover up William Afton’s murder spree, a new location opened up in Hurrian, Utah. Unlike William, Henry does all that he can to keep everyone in the building safe. This includes his customers and his children. Henry programmed the animatronic characters not to kill anyone except William Afton. To ensure the safety of his children, he programmed the animatronic characters with facial recognition so they could protect his children. The animatronics were used as a security measure just in case William set foot in any of the restaurants. Later, Henry created The Marionette to protect his daughter, Charlotte Emily.
William heard about the Utah location opening and became angry that Henry made a new restaurant without him. William became enraged by the fact that he couldn’t be a part of the company anymore.
William comes back the next night and notices that Charlotte is being bullied by a group of boys. It escalates and Charlotte is kicked out by the group of boys. William sees this and leaves his car to murder Charlotte.
But with no way of disposing of the body, he throws her near the dumpsters in the pouring rain.
The Marionette was supposed to keep Charlotte safe however, she was stuck in a box, leaving Charlotte in danger. The Marionette eventually breaks free and becomes damaged by the rain. While trying to rescue Charlotte it breaks down, collapsing on top of her.
William’s resentment towards Henry caused him to go on another killing spree wearing the SpringBonnie suit. On the spree, William murders 5 children and hides the bodies inside the animatronic characters.
Since Charlotte died with The Marionette near her, she now controls it. Charlotte as The Marionette gives the dead children hidden in the suits an opportunity at revenge on William. The animatronic characters start acting strange when they think William is near. They believe that you are the killer because they don’t know what William looks like.
As a result of the deaths, Henry and the businessmen decided to close the pizzeria. Instead, they would go on to create a new pizzeria including old characters such as Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy Frazbear.
Henry controlled the new Freddy Frazbear Pizzeria. Because Henry did not want any more deaths, William was in charge of controlling Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals.
Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals was a building used for party rentals. This new business allowed William to create new animatronics while hosting special events.
Due to Williams’s murder sprees, him and his wife live in separate houses. William tells his wife that he doesn’t want his son Michael anymore. She fights him on this and William grows furious with her. William kills his wife because of the situation.
In Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, William creates new animatronics inspired by old ones. The new characters include Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy they would be used as a way to capture and kill children.
William also created an animatronic named Ballora, inspired by his late wife. Ballora is used to hide his wife’s body.
An upset and violent William decides to destroy all of the animatronics at Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria.
When he does this, the spirits hidden in the animatronics start to fight back. They start to corner him and he puts on the SpringBonnie suit he wore when he murdered them. William forgot that if the SpringBonnie suit got water on it, it would shut down, causing the person inside to die from suffocation.
William had gotten water inside the suit from a broken water pipe. Since the children had avenged their deaths, they were now freed.
William’s last words were, “I always come back.”
Henry was the acting security guard because there were no other people for the position. While on duty, he heard loud noises coming from the pizzeria. Thinking of everything wrong William had done, Henry became worried and went inside to investigate.
When he saw the destroyed animatronics, Henry immediately became overwhelmed. Without the animatronics, he didn’t have a business.
With more time on his hands, Henry started to think that Charlotte’s spirit might be in The Marionette suit.
To retrieve her spirit, Henry created Lefty. Lefty stands for lure, encapsulate, fuse, transport, and extract. The new animatronic was inspired by Freddy.
William’s oldest son, Michael became worried about him because he had been gone for a long time. Trying to check on his father, Michael called Henry. On the phone, Henry acted as if he didn’t know anything but suggested that he check Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals to see if he was there.
When Michael went to Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, he pretended to be one of the technicians. While he was there, he encountered an animatronic named Ennard. The animatronics believed that Michael was an intruder so Ennard looked out for him. He made sure to check on him every night so he would stay safe from the blood-hungry animatronics.
Ennard was made out of parts from Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and Circus Baby. The main controller of Ennard is Circus Baby.
Ennard takes Micheal into the scooping room in which the animatronics are dismembered from the outer suit and their endoskeleton. Ennard decides the best thing for them is to leave Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals and use Michael’s body as a vehicle to escape the building.
Ennard doesn’t have anyone else’s body to use since he killed the only two technicians that were in charge of fixing the animatronics. To carry out his plan, Ennard forces Michael to get scooped.
Circus Baby said, “I’ve been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go when we look like this. But if we looked like you, then we could hide. If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go. The Scooper only hurts for a moment.”
Ennard steals Michael’s body and he is finally free.
To escape, Ennard had to wear Michael’s body as a suit. When it started to decompose, Ennard went into the sewers, leaving Michael’s body on the street.
Michael’s body was decaying but his spirit wasn’t. In his spirit form, he realizes that the voice of Circus Baby is his sister, Elizabeth.
On the street, Michael starts to hear Circus Baby chant, “You won’t die.” That was when Michael’s spirit gained control of his body. The only reason Michael didn’t die was that William wasn’t dead.
Ennard and the other animatronics ganged up on Circus Baby and she was banned from controlling Ennard. Ennard was unable to use his wiring because Circus Baby controlled his body. To work around this, Ennard collected scraps and pieces from the sewers to build himself a new body.
Ennard changed his name to Molten Freddy because he looked more similar to Funtime Freddy. Circus Baby was left alone and soon rebuilt herself to become Scrap Baby.
William’s character was renamed to Springtrap. For 30 years, his soul was stuck inside the Springtrap suit. Springtrap would be used as an animatronic at Frazbear Frights, a new business in the Frazbear franchise. The owner was never named.
Michael was now living in the shadows, looking for an opportunity to avenge his family. Michael heard of the new business and joined as a security guard. The new business had merchandise and animatronics from the previous businesses.
After long nights working at Frazbear Frights, Michael learned that his father was trapped inside of Springtrap. He planned to kill Springtrap to avenge everyone in his family that had been wronged by his father.
Michael set the building on fire because it was the only way to make sure Springtrap was gone for good. This helped the other find peace while also successfully killing Springtrap.
The souls of the dead children that were attached to the animatronic characters went back to the original pizzeria where their bodies had died.
They all celebrated by having a party. They had finally found peace.
Golden Freddy had two spirits in him. One was ready to die and the other wasn’t. Along with one of the spirits in Golden Freddy, the Marionette was not ready to die. They would only be ready to die once William died for good.
The spirits that were ready occupied Golden Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Henry was questioning if the animatronic characters were alive. All of the animatronic characters were destroyed by William except for the ones he had built himself. Those included Molten Freddy, Lefty, and Scrap Baby.
Henry would create another establishment named Frazbear Entertainment. He believed that this would tempt Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby, and Lefty into coming back. Once he lured them back, he would kill the last of the animatronics.
Michael became the security guard for Frazbear Entertainment so he could be in on the plan.
In response to the new franchise, Scraptrap said, “What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless. Fascinating, what they (the animatronics that he had created) have become. You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it’s still me.”
Henry had a plan that was set for Saturday.
On Saturday, during Michael’s night shift, he was left to face all of the animatronics. Molten Freddy and Scraptrap turned on him. Thankfully, Lefty was there to rescue Michael.
The only reason that Michael was saved is that The Marionette occupied Lefty. Meaning, that Charlotte occupied Lefty.
This allowed Henry to follow through with his plan; he burned down the new establishment.
Henry left a message to all the animatronic characters. He wished the spirits peace and happiness, all except William. As for William, he told him that a hole in the depth of Hell is waiting for him.
Henry asked for forgiveness from his daughter for not protecting her when she was killed. He told her that he wants her to escape this world and be at peace.
The only spirit that was left was Evan Afton who occupied Golden Freddy. Evan tortured William by showing him the nightmares he suffered while he was alive.
Evan went to an afterlife and was told by the man who runs the afterlife named “Old Man Consequences” that it was his time to rest to Williams’s and to leave the demons to fight their own demons.
As for the aftermath, there were rumors that the Freddy Frazbear franchise was going bankrupt. A man that used to work for the company developed a game that was based on the rumors of the Freddy franchise.
The franchise and the “ex-employee” were secretly partners all along but they used the publicity to create other games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
After a while, the company decided that making games wouldn’t make the amount of money they wanted, so they started to design a much bigger and larger pizzeria named Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. They did this to cover up the Freddy Frazbear pizzeria fire scandal.
To construct the Mega Pizzaplex, they would need a lot more money, so they constructed Frazbear Funtime service. This company would sell merchandise and party supplies.
The game designers continued constructing “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
Vanessa, a game designer, would later partner with Jeremy to scan the unused coding from previous games. This means that they would copy old games and place them into the work-in-progress games.
Jeremy was one of the game testers. As he was testing the virtual reality game, he noticed a glitch that resembled an old animatronic character, SpringBonnie. He alerted the management team that the bunny-shaped character would try to have a conversation with him, but management just dismissed it as a glitch.
Jeremy told his coworkers that he was having nightmares about the situation but nobody took him seriously. The owners of the company were planning to fire Jeremy after the release of the game because of his behavior.
During office hours, Jeremy had committed suicide with a paper guillotine. He cut his face off to prevent the bunny-shaped creature from controlling his mind.
Vanessa saw Jermey in the supplier room but she did not notice he was dead because of the VR headset he had on. Another employee noticed the body and told the higher-ups about the incident.
Vanessa walked in on a private discussion between the owners of the company regarding the glitch in the game and the possibility of a lawsuit.
Vanessa was told to continue the virtual reality game that Jermy had left. Vanessa started playing the full set of virtual reality games, which included all of the previous and some future games.
It features “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 3,”
Dark Rooms, Parts and Services, and Night Terrors.
While Vanessa is playing the game, she sees the glitch that Jeremy was talking about. She edited the game and created voice tapes for the next person. In the tapes, she warned the player that they should not play the games in order because it was too late for her.
At this point, William, now Glitchtrap, had entered Vanessa’s mind. Entering her mind gave him full control of her.
Glitchtrap made Vanessa create a suit and name it Vanny. This suit was similar to SpringBonnie, a suit that William had created.
After getting all the money to create Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex it had finally opened. It featured Freddy Frazbear, Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, and Roxanne Wolf.
There was also Bonnie but there was a rumor that Montgomery Gator destroyed him so he could have the role of the lead bass player.
Most of the staff except for security got replaced by robots. One of the higher-ups at Frazbear Entertainment appointed Vanessa as the security guard.
Vanessa wants to bring Glitchtrap to life. Glitchtrap was controlling her mind and ordered her a to do so, along with other tasks such as murdering children.
Vanessa had been trying therapy but when a therapist got close to telling her the truth about everything, they mysteriously disappeared. There are 9 children and 3 therapists missing because of Vanessa.
A child snuck into the Pizzaplex and the stomach hatch of Freddy Frazbear. This child’s name was Gregory.
Gregory followed Freddy’s instructions about how to leave the Pizzaplex but failed because the doors were locked.
Stuck in the Pizzaplex, Gregory tries to survive while facing all of the animatronics, new and old.
In an attempt to escape, Gregory goes into the daycare center located in the Pizzaplex but is kicked out by its guards, Sundrop and Moondrop. Sundrop and Moondrop are animatronic but it has bipolar coding, meaning that their mood depends on the lighting. When the lights are off, Moondrop is the guard but when the lights are on, Sundrop is the guard.
Gregory leaves the daycare center and faces Montgomery Gator at Monty Golf, an indoor minigolf course. Montgomery is destroyed when Gregory pressed a button causing a giant metal bucket to fall on top of him.
Later, he destroys Roxanne Wolf with a Roxy Raceway car. While driving on the racetrack, Roxy gets in the way. He swerved so he could get out while also killing Roxanne.
After this, he destroys Chica by cooking her a pizza and leaving it in the trash compactor. She is eating over the trash compactor and he presses a button, turning it on. Chica tries to reach for Gregory but he kicks her in the face and leaves her to die.
Gregory fixes Freddy with the remaining parts from Roxy, Monty, and Chica.
Both Freddy and Gregory run from the DJ who is designed like a giant animatronic spider. Since Freddy and Gregory are finally free, they find Vanny who is searching for Gregory.
The Pizzaplex doors are finally open. Gregory can leave but does not want to since children are still going to be harmed by the establishment.
Gregory decides to stay and find the secrets of the Pizzaplex.
Freddy and Gregory go down a sketchy elevator leading underground to Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place. After reaching the control room which is the security guard room, Gregory starts to suspect that Freddy is being possessed by one of the old animatronics.
Vanny was able to recreate the body of Scraptrap and transfer William’s glitched coding from Glitchtrap to Scraptrap. Meaning, that Vanny brought back William. Scraptrap wanted a better animatronic to possess so he started to control Freddy.
Gregory pressed a button causing a fire in Scraptrap’s room and stropping Freddy from getting controlled momentarily. When this happens, Roxy appears and she has no eyes.
Roxy uses audio cues to attack Gregory but gets disoriented when she hears Chica’s voice coming from Freddy. Freddy and Gregory try to escape the old Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place as Scraptrap attacks them.
Molten Freddy kidnaps Scraptrap. Gregory and Freddy are finally free from a very long night. They are finally able to live happily ever after.
Organizing the games correctly does not match with the timing of their release. In correct chronological order it would be: “Five Nights at Freddy’s 4”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 1”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 3”, “Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s Help Wanted”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery” and then finally “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach”
As the lore expands, so does the fandom of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” Many fans became interested later on in the series. Fans online posting about the game made it popular.
Junior Arturo Ayala said, “I became interested in the series around 3 years ago during my freshman year. I found it through a fanmade song. The Tiktok algorithm started recommending a bunch more ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ content and I started going down the rabbit hole 1 video at a time.”
Tiktok has opened the doors to many cosplayers who dress up as animatronic characters from the game. There are also many viral clips of popular YouTubers getting jumpscared such as Markiplier.
YouTuber Markiplier said, “No other game has given me a greater feeling of dread than “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” It is incredibly unique and takes an approach to horror that I’ve never experienced before. If you’re a fan of scary games, you must check this game out!”
The game itself makes the series incredibly frightening to most fans because of the jump scares.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s Wiki,” said, “You have a very limited amount of electricity that you’re allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, from lore). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn’t right- if Freddy or his friends aren’t in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed.”
The game is surrounded by a mysterious aura that causes chills to run down your spine. This is because most of the cameras throughout the map feature many dark corners and there is overall dim lighting.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” is different from the other games because it starts with bright lighting and fast-paced music. The game turns dark and mysterious overtime.
Fans of the series heard about the game in different ways.
After the game gained popularity, game theorist Matpat started to create videos detailing theories about the series.
Kizy said, “I would always watch Matpat’s theories about the lore.”
On the other hand, people heard about the series from fan art, including drawing, songs, animations, music videos, and cosplay.
Ayala said, “I found out about ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ from one of the fan-made songs when I was younger and from there I’ve been exploring different parts of the fandom.”
The creators of the game added glitches to make it feel as close to their reality as possible. For instance, the Golden Freddy glitch happens when you flip the camera too many times.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “I think all the games were pretty polished with a few glitches here and there. The storyline is convoluted as always, and the audio takes are awesome in my opinion, especially the audio that would come after losing to a specific animatronic in Ultimate Custom Night. The scare factor, though, was at its peak in “Help Wanted” as it was a more intimate and close-up experience.”
The most current game has an abundance of jumpscares because of the free-roaming feature, which was not seen in the first game. In the first game there were only four characters who would jump scare you while now, the amount of characters has expanded greatly.
Now, with a large map there are more opportunities to get the player scared, including things like glitches, visuals, and auditory aspects.
Ayala said, “The new game is so big and that leaves room for so many errors. Playing it, it’s clear that it’d be very rushed and so that takes away the enjoyment.”
Fans say that the map setup leaves room for accidental glitches to occur. In comparison to the first game, there aren’t many noticeable errors like the misspelling of the word “pizzeria” and so on.
As of now, Ruze holds the record for finishing the game the fastest, with 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
Ayala said, “The way it looked, its audio, the limited movement made it so you were constantly on edge and so the jump scares were there to throw you off the edge of sorts. The new games, however, just don’t hold up in this regard. The game feels more like a tag than an actual horror game. The lack of visual and auditory cues makes it difficult to face genuine fear of the game.”
The company running the series now is Steel Wool Studios along with comments coming from Scott Cawthaw, creator of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.”
Although this game was rushed by its developers, the graphics are incomparable to the other games. This game was the lowest-rated of the series, earning a 5.9 out of 10.
The game was very entertaining but I feel like characters such as Chica, Roxy, or Moondrop should have had more lines. Since Chica had repetitive lines, there wasn’t much room for character development.
Out of the whole series, this game is my favorite. I would rate it 9 out of 10. I feel like it needs major changes but other than that I love it. It is my favorite because of the attention to detail the developers had while making it.
I like the fact that Freddy makes you feel welcomed throughout the entire game because it adds depth to your missions. This paired with the beautifully designed map makes it the perfect escape.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach revives the fandom once again
Tags: Gaming, Five Nights at Freddy’s, FNAF, Animatronics, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach,
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a game that has evolved from a point-and-click survival game to the newest free-roam game. As many kids and teens started to watch “let’s plays” of games that are now very popular from their favorite content creators. This is what started the ball rolling of the multi-series “Five Night’s at Freddy’s.” The controls in the game were fairly simple as to move the point of view of the office you are set up in, is just to move the mouse left or right a point to a direction, you have a tablet that shows you the camera views of the pizzeria. To secure yourself from the four animatronics that would eventually come into your office, you have two doors that can be locked from the inside with a press of a button. You can lock the door and use another button to turn the outside of the office light on. The four animatronic consist of Freddy Frazbear the main attraction, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, and Foxy the fox. While playing the game you must monitor the four animatronics with the cameras that are placed within the restaurant, all while monitoring your limited amount of power. To advance to the next night of the week you must secure yourself in the office from 12 a.m to 6 a.m. This is in comparison to the free-roam which leads a path onto larger maps, tiny details, a storyline you must follow throughout the game, along with a long set of missions you must complete before leaving Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. But this time you have the help of Freddy Frazbear in the old game Freddy would come into your office, jump scare you and would simply mean game over.
The lore in the game is written within the first game along with all the other games, some fans investigate what is going on inside the pizzeria. There is lore written within the phone calls the player gets at the start of each night, telling of any clues to survival within the game. As fans try to uncover the name of the person sending the phone calls, many have named him Phone Guy. The first night of the game gives hints on what the player may uncover in lore.
The Phone Guy said, “ Uh, they (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy) used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of ’87. Yeah. I-It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?”
Many do not know what this is referencing because the evidence was going to arise in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” the second game to be created which mentioned The Bite of 87. After Night 6, Phone Guy calls Jeremy, the security guard that the player controls in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” to tell him he would be working the day shift the following day. The closing scene is a newspaper saying that Freddy Frazbear’s would be closing due to a malfunction in the animatronics, along with a check dated “11-13-1987” leading back to Jermy, who had worked that day and may have had his frontal lobe ripped from his head from one of the animatronics.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “William Afton one of the creators of Frazbear industries, murdered children and would then place them in animatronic suits so that no one would find the body.”
William Afton married and being a father of three, along with Henry Emily married and father of two children are the co-owners of Frazbear Entertainment when they opened a diner named Fredbears Family Diner. Both were mechanical geniuses who created two spring-lock suits so they can serve and entertain their guests, but can also pass as animatronic suits. The animatronics SpringBonnie and Fredbear. After this another location named Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria opened, featuring Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, causing them to start selling merchandise like masks and stuffed animals. This was the start of the murder spree from William Afton, there was a private party at the pizzeria where William placed his SpringBonnie suit on and gathered 5 children to the back of the pizzeria telling them that he had a surprise for them. William Afton murdered these 5 children and stuffed them into the mechanical suits of Fredbear (the first Freddy suit) Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. This caused Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria to be closed down. After this Circus baby was created to be able to stuff children inside of her without killing children in front of crowds.
William Afton said, “She can dance, she can sing, she’s equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice cream.”
William’s and Henry’s families would occasionally visit the animatronics, like William’s daughter Elizabeth Afton. Elizabeth loved Circus Baby, though her father would never let her see Circus Baby. Circus Baby had killed Elizabeth because of the programming that William Afton had set. Soon William told both Micheal and Evan (Crying Child) his sons to never go near the animatronics alone in a room. William had no idea what to do but create a sound illusion disk that had a high-frequency level noise that would create nightmares for his youngest son. William had set cameras in Evan’s room to be able to monitor him along with a Golden Freddy Plushie. During all this going on Michael would scare his little brother with a Foxy mask every day until Evan’s birthday party.
De La Cruz said, “Then one of his sons, nicknamed the Crying Child, was placed in the head of one of the active animatronics on stage by his older brother (Michael Afton) and friends. The Crying Child’s head was crushed by the animatronic, becoming one of the bite incidents at a Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria”
Michael would plan how to bully Evan into the Diner for his birthday party. Michael and his friends had Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica masks. Michael and his friends bullied Evan into the diner and they had shoved Evan inside the mouth of Fredbear. This caused the Fredbear springs’ jaw to lock and bite Evan’s head. Evan would have Nightmares like the ones that William had made, but this time there was a Nightmare version of Fredbear. Henry Emily would kick William Afton from controlling or doing anything about Frazbear Entertainment. Henry would pair up with businessmen and women to make the franchise go to another level and cover up the messes that William Afton had left behind.
Start here
In an attempt to cover up William Afton’s murder spree, a new location opened up in Hurrian, Utah. Unlike William, Henry does all that he can to keep everyone in the building safe. This includes his customers and his children. Henry programmed the animatronic characters not to kill anyone except William Afton. To ensure the safety of his children, he programmed the animatronic characters with facial recognition so they could protect his children. The animatronics were used as a security measure just in case William set foot in any of the restaurants. Later, Henry created The Marionette to protect his daughter, Charlotte Emily.
William heard about the Utah location opening and became angry that Henry made a new restaurant without him. William became enraged by the fact that he couldn’t be a part of the company anymore.
William comes back the next night and notices that Charlotte is being bullied by a group of boys. It escalates and Charlotte is kicked out by the group of boys. William sees this and leaves his car to murder Charlotte.
But with no way of disposing of the body, he throws her near the dumpsters in the pouring rain.
The Marionette was supposed to keep Charlotte safe however, she was stuck in a box, leaving Charlotte in danger. The Marionette eventually breaks free and becomes damaged by the rain. While trying to rescue Charlotte it breaks down, collapsing on top of her.
William’s resentment towards Henry caused him to go on another killing spree wearing the SpringBonnie suit. On the spree, William murders 5 children and hides the bodies inside the animatronic characters.
Since Charlotte died with The Marionette near her, she now controls it. Charlotte as The Marionette gives the dead children hidden in the suits an opportunity at revenge on William. The animatronic characters start acting strange when they think William is near. They believe that you are the killer because they don’t know what William looks like.
As a result of the deaths, Henry and the businessmen decided to close the pizzeria. Instead, they would go on to create a new pizzeria including old characters such as Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy Frazbear.
Henry controlled the new Freddy Frazbear Pizzeria. Because Henry did not want any more deaths, William was in charge of controlling Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals.
Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals was a building used for party rentals. This new business allowed William to create new animatronics while hosting special events.
Due toWilliams’ss murder sprees, him and his wife live in separate houses. William tells his wife that he doesn’t want his son Michael anymore. She fights him on this and William grows furious with her. William kills his wife because of the situation.
In Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, William creates new animatronics inspired by old ones. The new characters include Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy they would be used as a way to capture and kill children.
William also created an animatronic named Ballora, inspired by his late wife. Ballora is used to hide his wife’s body.
An upset and violent William decides to destroy all of the animatronics at Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria.
When he does this, the spirits hidden in the animatronics start to fight back. They start to corner him and he puts on the SpringBonnie suit he wore when he murdered them. William forgot that if the SpringBonnie suit got water on it, it would shut down, causing the person inside to die from suffocation.
William had gotten water inside the suit from a broken water pipe. Since the children had avenged their deaths, they were now freed.
William’s last words were, “I always come back.”
Henry was the acting security guard because there were no other people for the position. While on duty, he heard loud noises coming from the pizzeria. Thinking of everything wrong William had done, Henry became worried and went inside to investigate.
When he saw the destroyed animatronics, Henry immediately became overwhelmed. Without the animatronics, he didn’t have a business.
With more time on his hands, Henry started to think that Charlotte’s spirit might be in The Marionette suit.
To retrieve her spirit, Henry created Lefty. Lefty stands for lure, encapsulate, fuse, transport, and extract. The new animatronic was inspired by Freddy.
William’s oldest son, Michael became worried about him because he had been gone for a long time. Trying to check on his father, Michael called Henry. On the phone, Henry acted as if he didn’t know anything but suggested that he check Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals to see if he was there.
When Michael went to Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, he pretended to be one of the technicians. While he was there, he encountered an animatronic named Ennard. The animatronics believed that Michael was an intruder so Ennard looked out for him. He made sure to check on him every night so he would stay safe from the blood-hungry animatronics.
Ennard was made out of parts from Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and Circus Baby. The main controller of Ennard is Circus Baby.
Ennard takes Micheal into the scooping room in which the animatronics are dismembered from the outer suit and their endoskeleton. Ennard decides the best thing for them is to leave Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals and use Michael’s body as a vehicle to escape the building.
Ennard doesn’t have anyone else’s body to use since he killed the only two technicians that were in charge of fixing the animatronics. To carry out his plan, Ennard forces Michael to get scooped.
Circus Baby said, “I’ve been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go when we look like this. But if we looked like you, then we could hide. If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go. The Scooper only hurts for a moment.”
Ennard steals Michael’s body and he is finally free.
To escape, Ennard had to wear Michael’s body as a suit. When it started to decompose, Ennard went into the sewers, leaving Michael’s body on the street.
Michael’s body was decaying but his spirit wasn’t. In his spirit form, he realizes that the voice of Circus Baby is his sister, Elizabeth.
On the street, Michael starts to hear Circus Baby chant, “You won’t die.” That was when Michael’s spirit gained control of his body. The only reason Michael didn’t die was that William wasn’t dead.
Ennard and the other animatronics ganged up on Circus Baby and she was banned from controlling Ennard. Ennard was unable to use his wiring because Circus Baby controlled his body. To work around this, Ennard collected scraps and pieces from the sewers to build himself a new body.
Ennard changed his name to Molten Freddy because he looked more similar to Funtime Freddy. Circus Baby was left alone and soon rebuilt herself to become Scrap Baby.
William’s character was renamed to Springtrap. For 30 years, his soul was stuck inside the Springtrap suit. Springtrap would be used as an animatronic at Frazbear Frights, a new business in the Frazbear franchise. The owner was never named.
Michael was now living in the shadows, looking for an opportunity to avenge his family. Michael heard of the new business and joined as a security guard. The new business had merchandise and animatronics from the previous businesses.
After long nights working at Frazbear Frights, Michael learned that his father was trapped inside of Springtrap. He planned to kill Springtrap to avenge everyone in his family that had been wronged by his father.
Michael set the building on fire because it was the only way to make sure Springtrap was gone for good. This helped the other find peace while also successfully killing Springtrap.
The souls of the dead children that were attached to the animatronic characters went back to the original pizzeria where their bodies had died.
They all celebrated by having a party. They had finally found peace.
Golden Freddy had two spirits in him. One was ready to die and the other wasn’t. Along with one of the spirits in Golden Freddy, the Marionette was not ready to die. They would only be ready to die once William died for good.
The spirits that were ready occupied Golden Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Henry was questioning if the animatronic characters were alive. All of the animatronic characters were destroyed by William except for the ones he had built himself. Those included Molten Freddy, Lefty, and Scrap Baby.
Henry would create another establishment named Frazbear Entertainment. He believed that this would tempt Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby, and Lefty into coming back. Once he lured them back, he would kill the last of the animatronics.
Michael became the security guard for Frazbear Entertainment so he could be in on the plan.
In response to the new franchise, Scraptrap said, “What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless. Fascinating, what they (the animatronics that he had created) have become. You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it’s still me.”
Henry had a plan that was set for Saturday.
On Saturday, during Michael’s night shift, he was left to face all of the animatronics. Molten Freddy and Scraptrap turned on him. Thankfully, Lefty was there to rescue Michael.
The only reason that Michael was saved is that The Marionette occupied Lefty. Meaning, that Charlotte occupied Lefty.
This allowed Henry to follow through with his plan; he burned down the new establishment.
Henry left a message to all the animatronic characters. He wished the spirits peace and happiness, all except William. As for William, he told him that a hole in the depth of Hell is waiting for him.
Henry asked for forgiveness from his daughter for not protecting her when she was killed. He told her that he wants her to escape this world and be at peace.
The only spirit that was left was Evan Afton who occupied Golden Freddy. Evan tortured William by showing him the nightmares he suffered while he was alive.
Evan went to an afterlife and was told by the man who runs the afterlife named “Old Man Consequences” that it was his time to rest to Williams’s and to leave the demons to fight their own demons.
As for the aftermath, there were rumors that the Freddy Frazbear franchise was going bankrupt. A man that used to work for the company developed a game that was based on the rumors of the Freddy franchise.
The franchise and the “ex-employee” were secretly partners all along but they used the publicity to create other games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
After a while, the company decided that making games wouldn’t make the amount of money they wanted, so they started to design a much bigger and larger pizzeria named Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. They did this to cover up the Freddy Frazbear pizzeria fire scandal.
To construct the Mega Pizzaplex, they would need a lot more money, so they constructed Frazbear Funtime service. This company would sell merchandise and party supplies.
The game designers continued constructing “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
Vanessa, a game designer, would later partner with Jeremy to scan the unused coding from previous games. This means that they would copy old games and place them into the work-in-progress games.
Jeremy was one of the game testers. As he was testing the virtual reality game, he noticed a glitch that resembled an old animatronic character, SpringBonnie. He alerted the management team that the bunny-shaped character would try to have a conversation with him, but management just dismissed it as a glitch.
Jeremy told his coworkers that he was having nightmares about the situation but nobody took him seriously. The owners of the company were planning to fire Jeremy after the release of the game because of his behavior.
During office hours, Jeremy had committed suicide with a paper guillotine. He cut his face off to prevent the bunny-shaped creature from controlling his mind.
Vanessa saw Jermey in the supplier room but she did not notice he was dead because of the VR headset he had on. Another employee noticed the body and told the higher-ups about the incident.
Vanessa walked in on a private discussion between the owners of the company regarding the glitch in the game and the possibility of a lawsuit.
Vanessa was told to continue the virtual reality game that Jermy had left. Vanessa started playing the full set of virtual reality games, which included all of the previous and some future games.
It features “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 3,”
Dark Rooms, Parts and Services, and Night Terrors.
While Vanessa is playing the game, she sees the glitch that Jeremy was talking about. She edited the game and created voice tapes for the next person. In the tapes, she warned the player that they should not play the games in order because it was too late for her.
At this point, William, now Glitchtrap, had entered Vanessa’s mind. Entering her mind gave him full control of her.
Glitchtrap made Vanessa create a suit and name it Vanny. This suit was similar to SpringBonnie, a suit that William had created.
After getting all the money to create Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex it had finally opened. It featured Freddy Frazbear, Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, and Roxanne Wolf.
There was also Bonnie but there was a rumor that Montgomery Gator destroyed him so he could have the role of the lead bass player.
Most of the staff except for security got replaced by robots. One of the higher-ups at Frazbear Entertainment appointed Vanessa as the security guard.
Vanessa wants to bring Glitchtrap to life. Glitchtrap was controlling her mind and ordered her a to do so, along with other tasks such as murdering children.
Vanessa had been trying therapy but when a therapist got close to telling her the truth about everything, they mysteriously disappeared. There are 9 children and 3 therapists missing because of Vanessa.
A child snuck into the Pizzaplex and the stomach hatch of Freddy Frazbear. This child’s name was Gregory.
Gregory followed Freddy’s instructions about how to leave the Pizzaplex but failed because the doors were locked.
Stuck in the Pizzaplex, Gregory tries to survive while facing all of the animatronics, new and old.
In an attempt to escape, Gregory goes into the daycare center located in the Pizzaplex but is kicked out by its guards, Sundrop and Moondrop. Sundrop and Moondrop are animatronic but it has bipolar coding, meaning that their mood depends on the lighting. When the lights are off, Moondrop is the guard but when the lights are on, Sundrop is the guard.
Gregory leaves the daycare center and faces Montgomery Gator at Monty Golf, an indoor minigolf course. Montgomery is destroyed when Gregory pressed a button causing a giant metal bucket to fall on top of him.
Later, he destroys Roxanne Wolf with a Roxy Raceway car. While driving on the racetrack, Roxy gets in the way. He swerved so he could get out while also killing Roxanne.
After this, he destroys Chica by cooking her a pizza and leaving it in the trash compactor. She is eating over the trash compactor and he presses a button, turning it on. Chica tries to reach for Gregory but he kicks her in the face and leaves her to die.
Gregory fixes Freddy with the remaining parts from Roxy, Monty, and Chica.
Both Freddy and Gregory run from the DJ who is designed like a giant animatronic spider. Since Freddy and Gregory are finally free, they find Vanny who is searching for Gregory.
The Pizzaplex doors are finally open. Gregory can leave but does not want to since children are still going to be harmed by the establishment.
Gregory decides to stay and find the secrets of the Pizzaplex.
Freddy and Gregory go down a sketchy elevator leading underground to Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place. After reaching the control room which is the security guard room, Gregory starts to suspect that Freddy is being possessed by one of the old animatronics.
Vanny was able to recreate the body of Scraptrap and transfer William’s glitched coding from Glitchtrap to Scraptrap. Meaning, that Vanny brought back William. Scraptrap wanted a better animatronic to possess so he started to control Freddy.
Gregory pressed a button causing a fire in Scraptrap’s room and stropping Freddy from getting controlled momentarily. When this happens, Roxy appears and she has no eyes.
Roxy uses audio cues to attack Gregory but gets disoriented when she hears Chica’s voice coming from Freddy. Freddy and Gregory try to escape the old Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place as Scraptrap attacks them.
Molten Freddy kidnaps Scraptrap. Gregory and Freddy are finally free from a very long night. They are finally able to live happily ever after.
Organizing the games correctly does not match with the timing of their release. In correct chronological order it would be: “Five Nights at Freddy’s 4”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 1”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 3”, “Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s Help Wanted”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery” and then finally “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach”
As the lore expands, so does the fandom of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” Many fans became interested later on in the series. Fans online posting about the game made it popular.
Junior Arturo Ayala said, “I became interested in the series around 3 years ago during my freshman year. I found it through a fanmade song. The Tiktok algorithm started recommending a bunch more ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ content and I started going down the rabbit hole 1 video at a time.”
Tiktok has opened the doors to many cosplayers who dress up as animatronic characters from the game. There are also many viral clips of popular YouTubers getting jumpscared such as Markiplier.
YouTuber Markiplier said, “No other game has given me a greater feeling of dread than “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” It is incredibly unique and takes an approach to horror that I’ve never experienced before. If you’re a fan of scary games, you must check this game out!”
The game itself makes the series incredibly frightening to most fans because of the jumpscares.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s Wiki,” said, “You have a very limited amount of electricity that you’re allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, from lore). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn’t right- if Freddy or his friends aren’t in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed.”
The game is surrounded by a mysterious aura that causes chills to run down your spine. This is because most of the cameras throughout the map feature many dark corners and there is overall dim lighting.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” is different from the other games because it starts with bright lighting and fast-paced music. The game turns dark and mysterious overtime.
Fans of the series heard about the game in different ways.
After the game gained popularity, game theorist Matpat started to create videos detailing theories about the series.
Kizy said, “I would always watch Matpat’s theories about the lore.”
On the other hand, people heard about the series from fan art, including drawing, songs, animations, music videos, and cosplay.
Ayala said, “I found out about ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ from one of the fan-made songs when I was younger and from there I’ve been exploring different parts of the fandom.”
The creators of the game added glitches to make it feel as close to their reality as possible. For instance, the Golden Freddy glitch happens when you flip the camera too many times.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “I think all the games were pretty polished with a few glitches here and there. The storyline is convoluted as always, and the audio takes are awesome in my opinion, especially the audio that would come after losing to a specific animatronic in Ultimate Custom Night. The scare factor, though, was at its peak in “Help Wanted” as it was a more intimate and close-up experience.”
The most current game has an abundance of jumpscares because of the free-roaming feature, which was not seen in the first game. In the first game there were only four characters who would jump scare you while now, the amount of characters has expanded greatly.
Now, with a large map there are more opportunities to get the player scared, including things like glitches, visuals, and auditory aspects.
Ayala said, “The new game is so big and that leaves room for so many errors. Playing it, it’s clear that it’d be very rushed and so that takes away the enjoyment.”
Fans say that the map setup leaves room for accidental glitches to occur. In comparison to the first game, there aren’t many noticeable errors like the misspelling of the word “pizzeria” and so on.
As of now, Ruze holds the record for finishing the game the fastest, with 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
Ayala said, “The way it looked, its audio, the limited movement made it so you were constantly on edge and so the jumpscares were there to throw you off the edge of sorts. The new games, however, just don’t hold up in this regard. The game feels more like a tag than an actual horror game. The lack of visual and auditory cues makes it difficult to face genuine fear of the game.”
The company running the series now is Steel Wool Studios along with comments coming from Scott Cawthaw, creator of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.”
Although this game was rushed by its developers, the graphics are incomparable to the other games. This game was the lowest-rated of the series, earning a 5.9 out of 10.
The game was very entertaining but I feel like characters such as Chica, Roxy, or Moondrop should have had more lines. Since Chica had repetitive lines, there wasn’t much room for character development.
Out of the whole series, this game is my favorite. I would rate it 9 out of 10. I feel like it needs major changes but other than that I love it. It is my favorite because of the attention to detail the developers had while making it.
I like the fact that Freddy makes you feel welcomed throughout the entire game because it adds depth to your missions. This paired with the beautifully designed map makes it the perfect escape.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach revives the fandom once again
Tags: Gaming, Five Nights at Freddy’s, FNAF, Animatronics, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach,
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a game that has evolved from a point-and-click survival game to the newest free-roam game. As many kids and teens started to watch “let’s plays” of games that are now very popular from their favorite content creators. This is what started the ball rolling of the multi-series “Five Night’s at Freddy’s.” The controls in the game were fairly simple as to move the point of view of the office you are set up in, is just to move the mouse left or right a point to a direction, you have a tablet that shows you the camera views of the pizzeria. To secure yourself from the four animatronics that would eventually come into your office, you have two doors that can be locked from the inside with a press of a button. You can lock the door and use another button to turn the outside of the office light on. The four animatronic consist of Freddy Frazbear the main attraction, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, and Foxy the fox. While playing the game you must monitor the four animatronics with the cameras that are placed within the restaurant, all while monitoring your limited amount of power. To advance to the next night of the week you must secure yourself in the office from 12 a.m to 6 a.m. This is in comparison to the free-roam which leads a path onto larger maps, tiny details, a storyline you must follow throughout the game, along with a long set of missions you must complete before leaving Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. But this time you have the help of Freddy Frazbear in the old game Freddy would come into your office, jumpscare you and would simply mean game over.
The lore in the game is written within the first game along with all the other games, some fans investigate what is going on inside the pizzeria. There is lore written within the phone calls the player gets at the start of each night, telling of any clues to survival within the game. As fans try to uncover the name of the person sending the phone calls, many have named him Phone Guy. The first night of the game gives hints on what the player may uncover in lore.
The Phone Guy said, “ Uh, they (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy) used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of ’87. Yeah. I-It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?”
Many do not know what this is referencing because the evidence was going to arise in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” the second game to be created which mentioned The Bite of 87. After Night 6, Phone Guy calls Jeremy, the security guard that the player controls in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” to tell him he would be working the day shift the following day. The closing scene is a newspaper saying that Freddy Frazbear’s would be closing due to a malfunction in the animatronics, along with a check dated “11-13-1987” leading back to Jermy, who had worked that day and may have had his frontal lobe ripped from his head from one of the animatronics.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “William Afton one of the creators of Frazbear industries, murdered children and would then place them in animatronic suits so that no one would find the body.”
William Afton married and being a father of three, along with Henry Emily married and father of two children are the co-owners of Frazbear Entertainment when they opened a diner named Fredbears Family Diner. Both were mechanical geniuses who created two spring-lock suits so they can serve and entertain their guests, but can also pass as animatronic suits. The animatronics SpringBonnie and Fredbear. After this another location named Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria opened, featuring Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, causing them to start selling merchandise like masks and stuffed animals. This was the start of the murder spree from William Afton, there was a private party at the pizzeria where William placed his SpringBonnie suit on and gathered 5 children to the back of the pizzeria telling them that he had a surprise for them. William Afton murdered these 5 children and stuffed them into the mechanical suits of Fredbear (the first Freddy suit) Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. This caused Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria to be closed down. After this Circus baby was created to be able to stuff children inside of her without killing children in front of crowds.
William Afton said, “She can dance, she can sing, she’s equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice cream.”
William’s and Henry’s families would occasionally visit the animatronics, like William’s daughter Elizabeth Afton. Elizabeth loved Circus Baby, though her father would never let her see Circus Baby. Circus Baby had killed Elizabeth because of the programming that William Afton had set. Soon William told both Micheal and Evan (Crying Child) his sons to never go near the animatronics alone in a room. William had no idea what to do but create a sound illusion disk that had a high-frequency level noise that would create nightmares for his youngest son. William had set cameras in Evan’s room to be able to monitor him along with a Golden Freddy Plushie. During all this going on Michael would scare his little brother with a Foxy mask every day until Evan’s birthday party.
De La Cruz said, “Then one of his sons, nicknamed the Crying Child, was placed in the head of one of the active animatronics on stage by his older brother (Michael Afton) and friends. The Crying Child’s head was crushed by the animatronic, becoming one of the bite incidents at a Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria”
Michael would plan how to bully Evan into the Diner for his birthday party. Michael and his friends had Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica masks. Michael and his friends bullied Evan into the diner and they had shoved Evan inside the mouth of Fredbear. This caused the Fredbear springs’ jaw to lock and bite Evan’s head. Evan would have Nightmares like the ones that William had made, but this time there was a Nightmare version of Fredbear. Henry Emily would kick William Afton from controlling or doing anything about Frazbear Entertainment. Henry would pair up with businessmen and women to make the franchise go to another level and cover up the messes that William Afton had left behind.
Start here
In an attempt to cover up William Afton’s murder spree, a new location opened up in Hurrian, Utah. Unlike William, Henry does all that he can to keep everyone in the building safe. This includes his customers and his children. Henry programmed the animatronic characters not to kill anyone except William Afton. To ensure the safety of his children, he programmed the animatronic characters with facial recognition so they could protect his children. The animatronics were used as a security measure just in case William set foot in any of the restaurants. Later, Henry created The Marionette to protect his daughter, Charlotte Emily.
William heard about the Utah location opening and became angry that Henry made a new restaurant without him. William became enraged by the fact that he couldn’t be a part of the company anymore.
William comes back the next night and notices that Charlotte is being bullied by a group of boys. It escalates and Charlotte is kicked out by the group of boys. William sees this and leaves his car to murder Charlotte.
But with no way of disposing of the body, he throws her near the dumpsters in the pouring rain.
The Marionette was supposed to keep Charlotte safe however, she was stuck in a box, leaving Charlotte in danger. The Marionette eventually breaks free and becomes damaged by the rain. While trying to rescue Charlotte it breaks down, collapsing on top of her.
William’s resentment towards Henry caused him to go on another killing spree wearing the SpringBonnie suit. On the spree, William murders 5 children and hides the bodies inside the animatronic characters.
Since Charlotte died with The Marionette near her, she now controls it. Charlotte as The Marionette gives the dead children hidden in the suits an opportunity at revenge on William. The animatronic characters start acting strange when they think William is near. They believe that you are the killer because they don’t know what William looks like.
As a result of the deaths, Henry and the businessmen decided to close the pizzeria. Instead, they would go on to create a new pizzeria including old characters such as Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy Frazbear.
Henry controlled the new Freddy Frazbear Pizzeria. Because Henry did not want any more deaths, William was in charge of controlling Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals.
Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals was a building used for party rentals. This new business allowed William to create new animatronics while hosting special events.
Due toWilliams’ss murder sprees, him and his wife live in separate houses. William tells his wife that he doesn’t want his son Michael anymore. She fights him on this and William grows furious with her. William kills his wife because of the situation.
In Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, William creates new animatronics inspired by old ones. The new characters include Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy they would be used as a way to capture and kill children.
William also created an animatronic named Ballora, inspired by his late wife. Ballora is used to hide his wife’s body.
An upset and violent William decides to destroy all of the animatronics at Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria.
When he does this, the spirits hidden in the animatronics start to fight back. They start to corner him and he puts on the SpringBonnie suit he wore when he murdered them. William forgot that if the SpringBonnie suit got water on it, it would shut down, causing the person inside to die from suffocation.
William had gotten water inside the suit from a broken water pipe. Since the children had avenged their deaths, they were now freed.
William’s last words were, “I always come back.”
Henry was the acting security guard because there were no other people for the position. While on duty, he heard loud noises coming from the pizzeria. Thinking of everything wrong William had done, Henry became worried and went inside to investigate.
When he saw the destroyed animatronics, Henry immediately became overwhelmed. Without the animatronics, he didn’t have a business.
With more time on his hands, Henry started to think that Charlotte’s spirit might be in The Marionette suit.
To retrieve her spirit, Henry created Lefty. Lefty stands for lure, encapsulate, fuse, transport, and extract. The new animatronic was inspired by Freddy.
William’s oldest son, Michael became worried about him because he had been gone for a long time. Trying to check on his father, Michael called Henry. On the phone, Henry acted as if he didn’t know anything but suggested that he check Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals to see if he was there.
When Michael went to Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, he pretended to be one of the technicians. While he was there, he encountered an animatronic named Ennard. The animatronics believed that Michael was an intruder so Ennard looked out for him. He made sure to check on him every night so he would stay safe from the blood-hungry animatronics.
Ennard was made out of parts from Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and Circus Baby. The main controller of Ennard is Circus Baby.
Ennard takes Micheal into the scooping room in which the animatronics are dismembered from the outer suit and their endoskeleton. Ennard decides the best thing for them is to leave Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals and use Michael’s body as a vehicle to escape the building.
Ennard doesn’t have anyone else’s body to use since he killed the only two technicians that were in charge of fixing the animatronics. To carry out his plan, Ennard forces Michael to get scooped.
Circus Baby said, “I’ve been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go when we look like this. But if we looked like you, then we could hide. If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go. The Scooper only hurts for a moment.”
Ennard steals Michael’s body and he is finally free.
To escape, Ennard had to wear Michael’s body as a suit. When it started to decompose, Ennard went into the sewers, leaving Michael’s body on the street.
Michael’s body was decaying but his spirit wasn’t. In his spirit form, he realizes that the voice of Circus Baby is his sister, Elizabeth.
On the street, Michael starts to hear Circus Baby chant, “You won’t die.” That was when Michael’s spirit gained control of his body. The only reason Michael didn’t die was that William wasn’t dead.
Ennard and the other animatronics ganged up on Circus Baby and she was banned from controlling Ennard. Ennard was unable to use his wiring because Circus Baby controlled his body. To work around this, Ennard collected scraps and pieces from the sewers to build himself a new body.
Ennard changed his name to Molten Freddy because he looked more similar to Funtime Freddy. Circus Baby was left alone and soon rebuilt herself to become Scrap Baby.
William’s character was renamed to Springtrap. For 30 years, his soul was stuck inside the Springtrap suit. Springtrap would be used as an animatronic at Frazbear Frights, a new business in the Frazbear franchise. The owner was never named.
Michael was now living in the shadows, looking for an opportunity to avenge his family. Michael heard of the new business and joined as a security guard. The new business had merchandise and animatronics from the previous businesses.
After long nights working at Frazbear Frights, Michael learned that his father was trapped inside of Springtrap. He planned to kill Springtrap to avenge everyone in his family that had been wronged by his father.
Michael set the building on fire because it was the only way to make sure Springtrap was gone for good. This helped the other find peace while also successfully killing Springtrap.
The souls of the dead children that were attached to the animatronic characters went back to the original pizzeria where their bodies had died.
They all celebrated by having a party. They had finally found peace.
Golden Freddy had two spirits in him. One was ready to die and the other wasn’t. Along with one of the spirits in Golden Freddy, the Marionette was not ready to die. They would only be ready to die once William died for good.
The spirits that were ready occupied Golden Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Henry was questioning if the animatronic characters were alive. All of the animatronic characters were destroyed by William except for the ones he had built himself. Those included Molten Freddy, Lefty, and Scrap Baby.
Henry would create another establishment named Frazbear Entertainment. He believed that this would tempt Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby, and Lefty into coming back. Once he lured them back, he would kill the last of the animatronics.
Michael became the security guard for Frazbear Entertainment so he could be in on the plan.
In response to the new franchise, Scraptrap said, “What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless. Fascinating, what they (the animatronics that he had created) have become. You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it’s still me.”
Henry had a plan that was set for Saturday.
On Saturday, during Michael’s night shift, he was left to face all of the animatronics. Molten Freddy and Scraptrap turned on him. Thankfully, Lefty was there to rescue Michael.
The only reason that Michael was saved is that The Marionette occupied Lefty. Meaning, that Charlotte occupied Lefty.
This allowed Henry to follow through with his plan; he burned down the new establishment.
Henry left a message to all the animatronic characters. He wished the spirits peace and happiness, all except William. As for William, he told him that a hole in the depth of Hell is waiting for him.
Henry asked for forgiveness from his daughter for not protecting her when she was killed. He told her that he wants her to escape this world and be at peace.
The only spirit that was left was Evan Afton who occupied Golden Freddy. Evan tortured William by showing him the nightmares he suffered while he was alive.
Evan went to an afterlife and was told by the man who runs the afterlife named “Old Man Consequences” that it was his time to rest to Williams’s and to leave the demons to fight their own demons.
As for the aftermath, there were rumors that the Freddy Frazbear franchise was going bankrupt. A man that used to work for the company developed a game that was based on the rumors of the Freddy franchise.
The franchise and the “ex-employee” were secretly partners all along but they used the publicity to create other games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
After a while, the company decided that making games wouldn’t make the amount of money they wanted, so they started to design a much bigger and larger pizzeria named Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. They did this to cover up the Freddy Frazbear pizzeria fire scandal.
To construct the Mega Pizzaplex, they would need a lot more money, so they constructed Frazbear Funtime service. This company would sell merchandise and party supplies.
The game designers continued constructing “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
Vanessa, a game designer, would later partner with Jeremy to scan the unused coding from previous games. This means that they would copy old games and place them into the work-in-progress games.
Jeremy was one of the game testers. As he was testing the virtual reality game, he noticed a glitch that resembled an old animatronic character, SpringBonnie. He alerted the management team that the bunny-shaped character would try to have a conversation with him, but management just dismissed it as a glitch.
Jeremy told his coworkers that he was having nightmares about the situation but nobody took him seriously. The owners of the company were planning to fire Jeremy after the release of the game because of his behavior.
During office hours, Jeremy had committed suicide with a paper guillotine. He cut his face off to prevent the bunny-shaped creature from controlling his mind.
Vanessa saw Jermey in the supplier room but she did not notice he was dead because of the VR headset he had on. Another employee noticed the body and told the higher-ups about the incident.
Vanessa walked in on a private discussion between the owners of the company regarding the glitch in the game and the possibility of a lawsuit.
Vanessa was told to continue the virtual reality game that Jermy had left. Vanessa started playing the full set of virtual reality games, which included all of the previous and some future games.
It features “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 3,”
Dark Rooms, Parts and Services, and Night Terrors.
While Vanessa is playing the game, she sees the glitch that Jeremy was talking about. She edited the game and created voice tapes for the next person. In the tapes, she warned the player that they should not play the games in order because it was too late for her.
At this point, William, now Glitchtrap, had entered Vanessa’s mind. Entering her mind gave him full control of her.
Glitchtrap made Vanessa create a suit and name it Vanny. This suit was similar to SpringBonnie, a suit that William had created.
After getting all the money to create Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex it had finally opened. It featured Freddy Frazbear, Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, and Roxanne Wolf.
There was also Bonnie but there was a rumor that Montgomery Gator destroyed him so he could have the role of the lead bass player.
Most of the staff except for security got replaced by robots. One of the higher-ups at Frazbear Entertainment appointed Vanessa as the security guard.
Vanessa wants to bring Glitchtrap to life. Glitchtrap was controlling her mind and ordered her a to do so, along with other tasks such as murdering children.
Vanessa had been trying therapy but when a therapist got close to telling her the truth about everything, they mysteriously disappeared. There are 9 children and 3 therapists missing because of Vanessa.
A child snuck into the Pizzaplex and the stomach hatch of Freddy Frazbear. This child’s name was Gregory.
Gregory followed Freddy’s instructions about how to leave the Pizzaplex but failed because the doors were locked.
Stuck in the Pizzaplex, Gregory tries to survive while facing all of the animatronics, new and old.
In an attempt to escape, Gregory goes into the daycare center located in the Pizzaplex but is kicked out by its guards, Sundrop and Moondrop. Sundrop and Moondrop are animatronic but it has bipolar coding, meaning that their mood depends on the lighting. When the lights are off, Moondrop is the guard but when the lights are on, Sundrop is the guard.
Gregory leaves the daycare center and faces Montgomery Gator at Monty Golf, an indoor minigolf course. Montgomery is destroyed when Gregory pressed a button causing a giant metal bucket to fall on top of him.
Later, he destroys Roxanne Wolf with a Roxy Raceway car. While driving on the racetrack, Roxy gets in the way. He swerved so he could get out while also killing Roxanne.
After this, he destroys Chica by cooking her a pizza and leaving it in the trash compactor. She is eating over the trash compactor and he presses a button, turning it on. Chica tries to reach for Gregory but he kicks her in the face and leaves her to die.
Gregory fixes Freddy with the remaining parts from Roxy, Monty, and Chica.
Both Freddy and Gregory run from the DJ who is designed like a giant animatronic spider. Since Freddy and Gregory are finally free, they find Vanny who is searching for Gregory.
The Pizzaplex doors are finally open. Gregory can leave but does not want to since children are still going to be harmed by the establishment.
Gregory decides to stay and find the secrets of the Pizzaplex.
Freddy and Gregory go down a sketchy elevator leading underground to Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place. After reaching the control room which is the security guard room, Gregory starts to suspect that Freddy is being possessed by one of the old animatronics.
Vanny was able to recreate the body of Scraptrap and transfer William’s glitched coding from Glitchtrap to Scraptrap. Meaning, that Vanny brought back William. Scraptrap wanted a better animatronic to possess so he started to control Freddy.
Gregory pressed a button causing a fire in Scraptrap’s room and stropping Freddy from getting controlled momentarily. When this happens, Roxy appears and she has no eyes.
Roxy uses audio cues to attack Gregory but gets disoriented when she hears Chica’s voice coming from Freddy. Freddy and Gregory try to escape the old Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place as Scraptrap attacks them.
Molten Freddy kidnaps Scraptrap. Gregory and Freddy are finally free from a very long night. They are finally able to live happily ever after.
Organizing the games correctly does not match with the timing of their release. In correct chronological order it would be: “Five Nights at Freddy’s 4”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 1”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 3”, “Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s Help Wanted”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery” and then finally “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach”
As the lore expands, so does the fandom of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” Many fans became interested later on in the series. Fans online posting about the game made it popular.
Junior Arturo Ayala said, “I became interested in the series around 3 years ago during my freshman year. I found it through a fanmade song. The Tiktok algorithm started recommending a bunch more ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ content and I started going down the rabbit hole 1 video at a time.”
Tiktok has opened the doors to many cosplayers who dress up as animatronic characters from the game. There are also many viral clips of popular YouTubers getting jumpscared such as Markiplier.
YouTuber Markiplier said, “No other game has given me a greater feeling of dread than “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” It is incredibly unique and takes an approach to horror that I’ve never experienced before. If you’re a fan of scary games, you must check this game out!”
The game itself makes the series incredibly frightening to most fans because of the jumpscares.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s Wiki,” said, “You have a very limited amount of electricity that you’re allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, from lore). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn’t right- if Freddy or his friends aren’t in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed.”
The game is surrounded by a mysterious aura that causes chills to run down your spine. This is because most of the cameras throughout the map feature many dark corners and there is overall dim lighting.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” is different from the other games because it starts with bright lighting and fast-paced music. The game turns dark and mysterious overtime.
Fans of the series heard about the game in different ways.
After the game gained popularity, game theorist Matpat started to create videos detailing theories about the series.
Kizy said, “I would always watch Matpat’s theories about the lore.”
On the other hand, people heard about the series from fan art, including drawing, songs, animations, music videos, and cosplay.
Ayala said, “I found out about ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ from one of the fan-made songs when I was younger and from there I’ve been exploring different parts of the fandom.”
The creators of the game added glitches to make it feel as close to their reality as possible. For instance, the Golden Freddy glitch happens when you flip the camera too many times.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “I think all the games were pretty polished with a few glitches here and there. The storyline is convoluted as always, and the audio takes are awesome in my opinion, especially the audio that would come after losing to a specific animatronic in Ultimate Custom Night. The scare factor, though, was at its peak in “Help Wanted” as it was a more intimate and close-up experience.”
The most current game has an abundance of jumpscares because of the free-roaming feature, which was not seen in the first game. In the first game there were only four characters who would jump scare you while now, the amount of characters has expanded greatly.
Now, with a large map there are more opportunities to get the player scared, including things like glitches, visuals, and auditory aspects.
Ayala said, “The new game is so big and that leaves room for so many errors. Playing it, it’s clear that it’d be very rushed and so that takes away the enjoyment.”
Fans say that the map setup leaves room for accidental glitches to occur. In comparison to the first game, there aren’t many noticeable errors like the misspelling of the word “pizzeria” and so on.
As of now, Ruze holds the record for finishing the game the fastest, with 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
Ayala said, “The way it looked, its audio, the limited movement made it so you were constantly on edge and so the jumpscares were there to throw you off the edge of sorts. The new games, however, just don’t hold up in this regard. The game feels more like a tag than an actual horror game. The lack of visual and auditory cues makes it difficult to face genuine fear of the game.”
The company running the series now is Steel Wool Studios along with comments coming from Scott Cawthaw, creator of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.”
Although this game was rushed by its developers, the graphics are incomparable to the other games. This game was the lowest-rated of the series, earning a 5.9 out of 10.
The game was very entertaining but I feel like characters such as Chica, Roxy, or Moondrop should have had more lines. Since Chica had repetitive lines, there wasn’t much room for character development.
Out of the whole series, this game is my favorite. I would rate it 9 out of 10. I feel like it needs major changes but other than that I love it. It is my favorite because of the attention to detail the developers had while making it.
I like the fact that Freddy makes you feel welcomed throughout the entire game because it adds depth to your missions. This paired with the beautifully designed map makes it the perfect escape.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach revives the fandom once again
Tags: Gaming, Five Nights at Freddy’s, FNAF, Animatronics, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach,
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a game that has evolved from a point-and-click survival game to the newest free-roam game. As many kids and teens started to watch “let’s plays” of games that are now very popular from their favorite content creators. This is what started the ball rolling of the multi-series “Five Night’s at Freddy’s.” The controls in the game were fairly simple as to move the point of view of the office you are set up in, is just to move the mouse left or right a point to a direction, you have a tablet that shows you the camera views of the pizzeria. To secure yourself from the four animatronics that would eventually come into your office, you have two doors that can be locked from the inside with a press of a button. You can lock the door and use another button to turn the outside of the office light on. The four animatronic consist of Freddy Frazbear the main attraction, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, and Foxy the fox. While playing the game you must monitor the four animatronics with the cameras that are placed within the restaurant, all while monitoring your limited amount of power. To advance to the next night of the week you must secure yourself in the office from 12 a.m to 6 a.m. This is in comparison to the free-roam which leads a path onto larger maps, tiny details, a storyline you must follow throughout the game, along with a long set of missions you must complete before leaving Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. But this time you have the help of Freddy Frazbear in the old game Freddy would come into your office, jumpscare you and would simply mean game over.
The lore in the game is written within the first game along with all the other games, some fans investigate what is going on inside the pizzeria. There is lore written within the phone calls the player gets at the start of each night, telling of any clues to survival within the game. As fans try to uncover the name of the person sending the phone calls, many have named him Phone Guy. The first night of the game gives hints on what the player may uncover in lore.
The Phone Guy said, “ Uh, they (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy) used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of ’87. Yeah. I-It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?”
Many do not know what this is referencing because the evidence was going to arise in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” the second game to be created which mentioned The Bite of 87. After Night 6, Phone Guy calls Jeremy, the security guard that the player controls in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” to tell him he would be working the day shift the following day. The closing scene is a newspaper saying that Freddy Frazbear’s would be closing due to a malfunction in the animatronics, along with a check dated “11-13-1987” leading back to Jermy, who had worked that day and may have had his frontal lobe ripped from his head from one of the animatronics.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “William Afton one of the creators of Frazbear industries, murdered children and would then place them in animatronic suits so that no one would find the body.”
William Afton married and being a father of three, along with Henry Emily married and father of two children are the co-owners of Frazbear Entertainment when they opened a diner named Fredbears Family Diner. Both were mechanical geniuses who created two spring-lock suits so they can serve and entertain their guests, but can also pass as animatronic suits. The animatronics SpringBonnie and Fredbear. After this another location named Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria opened, featuring Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, causing them to start selling merchandise like masks and stuffed animals. This was the start of the murder spree from William Afton, there was a private party at the pizzeria where William placed his SpringBonnie suit on and gathered 5 children to the back of the pizzeria telling them that he had a surprise for them. William Afton murdered these 5 children and stuffed them into the mechanical suits of Fredbear (the first Freddy suit) Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. This caused Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria to be closed down. After this Circus baby was created to be able to stuff children inside of her without killing children in front of crowds.
William Afton said, “She can dance, she can sing, she’s equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice cream.”
William’s and Henry’s families would occasionally visit the animatronics, like William’s daughter Elizabeth Afton. Elizabeth loved Circus Baby, though her father would never let her see Circus Baby. Circus Baby had killed Elizabeth because of the programming that William Afton had set. Soon William told both Micheal and Evan (Crying Child) his sons to never go near the animatronics alone in a room. William had no idea what to do but create a sound illusion disk that had a high-frequency level noise that would create nightmares for his youngest son. William had set cameras in Evan’s room to be able to monitor him along with a Golden Freddy Plushie. During all this going on Michael would scare his little brother with a Foxy mask every day until Evan’s birthday party.
De La Cruz said, “Then one of his sons, nicknamed the Crying Child, was placed in the head of one of the active animatronics on stage by his older brother (Michael Afton) and friends. The Crying Child’s head was crushed by the animatronic, becoming one of the bite incidents at a Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria”
Michael would plan how to bully Evan into the Diner for his birthday party. Michael and his friends had Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica masks. Michael and his friends bullied Evan into the diner and they had shoved Evan inside the mouth of Fredbear. This caused the Fredbear springs’ jaw to lock and bite Evan’s head. Evan would have Nightmares like the ones that William had made, but this time there was a Nightmare version of Fredbear. Henry Emily would kick William Afton from controlling or doing anything about Frazbear Entertainment. Henry would pair up with businessmen and women to make the franchise go to another level and cover up the messes that William Afton had left behind.
Start here
In an attempt to cover up William Afton’s murder spree, a new location opened up in Hurrian, Utah. Unlike William, Henry does all that he can to keep everyone in the building safe. This includes his customers and his children. Henry programmed the animatronic characters not to kill anyone except William Afton. To ensure the safety of his children, he programmed the animatronic characters with facial recognition so they could protect his children. The animatronics were used as a security measure just in case William set foot in any of the restaurants. Later, Henry created The Marionette to protect his daughter, Charlotte Emily.
William heard about the Utah location opening and became angry that Henry made a new restaurant without him. William became enraged by the fact that he couldn’t be a part of the company anymore.
William comes back the next night and notices that Charlotte is being bullied by a group of boys. It escalates and Charlotte is kicked out by the group of boys. William sees this and leaves his car to murder Charlotte.
But with no way of disposing of the body, he throws her near the dumpsters in the pouring rain.
The Marionette was supposed to keep Charlotte safe however, she was stuck in a box, leaving Charlotte in danger. The Marionette eventually breaks free and becomes damaged by the rain. While trying to rescue Charlotte it breaks down, collapsing on top of her.
William’s resentment towards Henry caused him to go on another killing spree wearing the SpringBonnie suit. On the spree, William murders 5 children and hides the bodies inside the animatronic characters.
Since Charlotte died with The Marionette near her, she now controls it. Charlotte as The Marionette gives the dead children hidden in the suits an opportunity at revenge on William. The animatronic characters start acting strange when they think William is near. They believe that you are the killer because they don’t know what William looks like.
As a result of the deaths, Henry and the businessmen decided to close the pizzeria. Instead, they would go on to create a new pizzeria including old characters such as Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy Frazbear.
Henry controlled the new Freddy Frazbear Pizzeria. Because Henry did not want any more deaths, William was in charge of controlling Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals.
Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals was a building used for party rentals. This new business allowed William to create new animatronics while hosting special events.
Due toWilliams’ss murder sprees, him and his wife live in separate houses. William tells his wife that he doesn’t want his son Michael anymore. She fights him on this and William grows furious with her. William kills his wife because of the situation.
In Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, William creates new animatronics inspired by old ones. The new characters include Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy they would be used as a way to capture and kill children.
William also created an animatronic named Ballora, inspired by his late wife. Ballora is used to hide his wife’s body.
An upset and violent William decides to destroy all of the animatronics at Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria.
When he does this, the spirits hidden in the animatronics start to fight back. They start to corner him and he puts on the SpringBonnie suit he wore when he murdered them. William forgot that if the SpringBonnie suit got water on it, it would shut down, causing the person inside to die from suffocation.
William had gotten water inside the suit from a broken water pipe. Since the children had avenged their deaths, they were now freed.
William’s last words were, “I always come back.”
Henry was the acting security guard because there were no other people for the position. While on duty, he heard loud noises coming from the pizzeria. Thinking of everything wrong William had done, Henry became worried and went inside to investigate.
When he saw the destroyed animatronics, Henry immediately became overwhelmed. Without the animatronics, he didn’t have a business.
With more time on his hands, Henry started to think that Charlotte’s spirit might be in The Marionette suit.
To retrieve her spirit, Henry created Lefty. Lefty stands for lure, encapsulate, fuse, transport, and extract. The new animatronic was inspired by Freddy.
William’s oldest son, Michael became worried about him because he had been gone for a long time. Trying to check on his father, Michael called Henry. On the phone, Henry acted as if he didn’t know anything but suggested that he check Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals to see if he was there.
When Michael went to Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, he pretended to be one of the technicians. While he was there, he encountered an animatronic named Ennard. The animatronics believed that Michael was an intruder so Ennard looked out for him. He made sure to check on him every night so he would stay safe from the blood-hungry animatronics.
Ennard was made out of parts from Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and Circus Baby. The main controller of Ennard is Circus Baby.
Ennard takes Micheal into the scooping room in which the animatronics are dismembered from the outer suit and their endoskeleton. Ennard decides the best thing for them is to leave Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals and use Michael’s body as a vehicle to escape the building.
Ennard doesn’t have anyone else’s body to use since he killed the only two technicians that were in charge of fixing the animatronics. To carry out his plan, Ennard forces Michael to get scooped.
Circus Baby said, “I’ve been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go when we look like this. But if we looked like you, then we could hide. If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go. The Scooper only hurts for a moment.”
Ennard steals Michael’s body and he is finally free.
To escape, Ennard had to wear Michael’s body as a suit. When it started to decompose, Ennard went into the sewers, leaving Michael’s body on the street.
Michael’s body was decaying but his spirit wasn’t. In his spirit form, he realizes that the voice of Circus Baby is his sister, Elizabeth.
On the street, Michael starts to hear Circus Baby chant, “You won’t die.” That was when Michael’s spirit gained control of his body. The only reason Michael didn’t die was that William wasn’t dead.
Ennard and the other animatronics ganged up on Circus Baby and she was banned from controlling Ennard. Ennard was unable to use his wiring because Circus Baby controlled his body. To work around this, Ennard collected scraps and pieces from the sewers to build himself a new body.
Ennard changed his name to Molten Freddy because he looked more similar to Funtime Freddy. Circus Baby was left alone and soon rebuilt herself to become Scrap Baby.
William’s character was renamed to Springtrap. For 30 years, his soul was stuck inside the Springtrap suit. Springtrap would be used as an animatronic at Frazbear Frights, a new business in the Frazbear franchise. The owner was never named.
Michael was now living in the shadows, looking for an opportunity to avenge his family. Michael heard of the new business and joined as a security guard. The new business had merchandise and animatronics from the previous businesses.
After long nights working at Frazbear Frights, Michael learned that his father was trapped inside of Springtrap. He planned to kill Springtrap to avenge everyone in his family that had been wronged by his father.
Michael set the building on fire because it was the only way to make sure Springtrap was gone for good. This helped the other find peace while also successfully killing Springtrap.
The souls of the dead children that were attached to the animatronic characters went back to the original pizzeria where their bodies had died.
They all celebrated by having a party. They had finally found peace.
Golden Freddy had two spirits in him. One was ready to die and the other wasn’t. Along with one of the spirits in Golden Freddy, the Marionette was not ready to die. They would only be ready to die once William died for good.
The spirits that were ready occupied Golden Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Henry was questioning if the animatronic characters were alive. All of the animatronic characters were destroyed by William except for the ones he had built himself. Those included Molten Freddy, Lefty, and Scrap Baby.
Henry would create another establishment named Frazbear Entertainment. He believed that this would tempt Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby, and Lefty into coming back. Once he lured them back, he would kill the last of the animatronics.
Michael became the security guard for Frazbear Entertainment so he could be in on the plan.
In response to the new franchise, Scraptrap said, “What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless. Fascinating, what they (the animatronics that he had created) have become. You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it’s still me.”
Henry had a plan that was set for Saturday.
On Saturday, during Michael’s night shift, he was left to face all of the animatronics. Molten Freddy and Scraptrap turned on him. Thankfully, Lefty was there to rescue Michael.
The only reason that Michael was saved is that The Marionette occupied Lefty. Meaning, that Charlotte occupied Lefty.
This allowed Henry to follow through with his plan; he burned down the new establishment.
Henry left a message to all the animatronic characters. He wished the spirits peace and happiness, all except William. As for William, he told him that a hole in the depth of Hell is waiting for him.
Henry asked for forgiveness from his daughter for not protecting her when she was killed. He told her that he wants her to escape this world and be at peace.
The only spirit that was left was Evan Afton who occupied Golden Freddy. Evan tortured William by showing him the nightmares he suffered while he was alive.
Evan went to an afterlife and was told by the man who runs the afterlife named “Old Man Consequences” that it was his time to rest to Williams’s and to leave the demons to fight their own demons.
As for the aftermath, there were rumors that the Freddy Frazbear franchise was going bankrupt. A man that used to work for the company developed a game that was based on the rumors of the Freddy franchise.
The franchise and the “ex-employee” were secretly partners all along but they used the publicity to create other games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
After a while, the company decided that making games wouldn’t make the amount of money they wanted, so they started to design a much bigger and larger pizzeria named Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. They did this to cover up the Freddy Frazbear pizzeria fire scandal.
To construct the Mega Pizzaplex, they would need a lot more money, so they constructed Frazbear Funtime service. This company would sell merchandise and party supplies.
The game designers continued constructing “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
Vanessa, a game designer, would later partner with Jeremy to scan the unused coding from previous games. This means that they would copy old games and place them into the work-in-progress games.
Jeremy was one of the game testers. As he was testing the virtual reality game, he noticed a glitch that resembled an old animatronic character, SpringBonnie. He alerted the management team that the bunny-shaped character would try to have a conversation with him, but management just dismissed it as a glitch.
Jeremy told his coworkers that he was having nightmares about the situation but nobody took him seriously. The owners of the company were planning to fire Jeremy after the release of the game because of his behavior.
During office hours, Jeremy had committed suicide with a paper guillotine. He cut his face off to prevent the bunny-shaped creature from controlling his mind.
Vanessa saw Jermey in the supplier room but she did not notice he was dead because of the VR headset he had on. Another employee noticed the body and told the higher-ups about the incident.
Vanessa walked in on a private discussion between the owners of the company regarding the glitch in the game and the possibility of a lawsuit.
Vanessa was told to continue the virtual reality game that Jermy had left. Vanessa started playing the full set of virtual reality games, which included all of the previous and some future games.
It features “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 3,”
Dark Rooms, Parts and Services, and Night Terrors.
While Vanessa is playing the game, she sees the glitch that Jeremy was talking about. She edited the game and created voice tapes for the next person. In the tapes, she warned the player that they should not play the games in order because it was too late for her.
At this point, William, now Glitchtrap, had entered Vanessa’s mind. Entering her mind gave him full control of her.
Glitchtrap made Vanessa create a suit and name it Vanny. This suit was similar to SpringBonnie, a suit that William had created.
After getting all the money to create Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex it had finally opened. It featured Freddy Frazbear, Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, and Roxanne Wolf.
There was also Bonnie but there was a rumor that Montgomery Gator destroyed him so he could have the role of the lead bass player.
Most of the staff except for security got replaced by robots. One of the higher-ups at Frazbear Entertainment appointed Vanessa as the security guard.
Vanessa wants to bring Glitchtrap to life. Glitchtrap was controlling her mind and ordered her a to do so, along with other tasks such as murdering children.
Vanessa had been trying therapy but when a therapist got close to telling her the truth about everything, they mysteriously disappeared. There are 9 children and 3 therapists missing because of Vanessa.
A child snuck into the Pizzaplex and the stomach hatch of Freddy Frazbear. This child’s name was Gregory.
Gregory followed Freddy’s instructions about how to leave the Pizzaplex but failed because the doors were locked.
Stuck in the Pizzaplex, Gregory tries to survive while facing all of the animatronics, new and old.
In an attempt to escape, Gregory goes into the daycare center located in the Pizzaplex but is kicked out by its guards, Sundrop and Moondrop. Sundrop and Moondrop are animatronic but it has bipolar coding, meaning that their mood depends on the lighting. When the lights are off, Moondrop is the guard but when the lights are on, Sundrop is the guard.
Gregory leaves the daycare center and faces Montgomery Gator at Monty Golf, an indoor minigolf course. Montgomery is destroyed when Gregory pressed a button causing a giant metal bucket to fall on top of him.
Later, he destroys Roxanne Wolf with a Roxy Raceway car. While driving on the racetrack, Roxy gets in the way. He swerved so he could get out while also killing Roxanne.
After this, he destroys Chica by cooking her a pizza and leaving it in the trash compactor. She is eating over the trash compactor and he presses a button, turning it on. Chica tries to reach for Gregory but he kicks her in the face and leaves her to die.
Gregory fixes Freddy with the remaining parts from Roxy, Monty, and Chica.
Both Freddy and Gregory run from the DJ who is designed like a giant animatronic spider. Since Freddy and Gregory are finally free, they find Vanny who is searching for Gregory.
The Pizzaplex doors are finally open. Gregory can leave but does not want to since children are still going to be harmed by the establishment.
Gregory decides to stay and find the secrets of the Pizzaplex.
Freddy and Gregory go down a sketchy elevator leading underground to Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place. After reaching the control room which is the security guard room, Gregory starts to suspect that Freddy is being possessed by one of the old animatronics.
Vanny was able to recreate the body of Scraptrap and transfer William’s glitched coding from Glitchtrap to Scraptrap. Meaning, that Vanny brought back William. Scraptrap wanted a better animatronic to possess so he started to control Freddy.
Gregory pressed a button causing a fire in Scraptrap’s room and stropping Freddy from getting controlled momentarily. When this happens, Roxy appears and she has no eyes.
Roxy uses audio cues to attack Gregory but gets disoriented when she hears Chica’s voice coming from Freddy. Freddy and Gregory try to escape the old Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place as Scraptrap attacks them.
Molten Freddy kidnaps Scraptrap. Gregory and Freddy are finally free from a very long night. They are finally able to live happily ever after.
Organizing the games correctly does not match with the timing of their release. In correct chronological order it would be: “Five Nights at Freddy’s 4”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 1”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 3”, “Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s Help Wanted”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery” and then finally “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach”
As the lore expands, so does the fandom of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” Many fans became interested later on in the series. Fans online posting about the game made it popular.
Junior Arturo Ayala said, “I became interested in the series around 3 years ago during my freshman year. I found it through a fanmade song. The Tiktok algorithm started recommending a bunch more ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ content and I started going down the rabbit hole 1 video at a time.”
Tiktok has opened the doors to many cosplayers who dress up as animatronic characters from the game. There are also many viral clips of popular YouTubers getting jumpscared such as Markiplier.
YouTuber Markiplier said, “No other game has given me a greater feeling of dread than “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” It is incredibly unique and takes an approach to horror that I’ve never experienced before. If you’re a fan of scary games, you must check this game out!”
The game itself makes the series incredibly frightening to most fans because of the jumpscares.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s Wiki,” said, “You have a very limited amount of electricity that you’re allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, from lore). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn’t right- if Freddy or his friends aren’t in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed.”
The game is surrounded by a mysterious aura that causes chills to run down your spine. This is because most of the cameras throughout the map feature many dark corners and there is overall dim lighting.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” is different from the other games because it starts with bright lighting and fast-paced music. The game turns dark and mysterious overtime.
Fans of the series heard about the game in different ways.
After the game gained popularity, game theorist Matpat started to create videos detailing theories about the series.
Kizy said, “I would always watch Matpat’s theories about the lore.”
On the other hand, people heard about the series from fan art, including drawing, songs, animations, music videos, and cosplay.
Ayala said, “I found out about ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ from one of the fan-made songs when I was younger and from there I’ve been exploring different parts of the fandom.”
The creators of the game added glitches to make it feel as close to their reality as possible. For instance, the Golden Freddy glitch happens when you flip the camera too many times.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “I think all the games were pretty polished with a few glitches here and there. The storyline is convoluted as always, and the audio takes are awesome in my opinion, especially the audio that would come after losing to a specific animatronic in Ultimate Custom Night. The scare factor, though, was at its peak in “Help Wanted” as it was a more intimate and close-up experience.”
The most current game has an abundance of jumpscares because of the free-roaming feature, which was not seen in the first game. In the first game there were only four characters who would jump scare you while now, the amount of characters has expanded greatly.
Now, with a large map there are more opportunities to get the player scared, including things like glitches, visuals, and auditory aspects.
Ayala said, “The new game is so big and that leaves room for so many errors. Playing it, it’s clear that it’d be very rushed and so that takes away the enjoyment.”
Fans say that the map setup leaves room for accidental glitches to occur. In comparison to the first game, there aren’t many noticeable errors like the misspelling of the word “pizzeria” and so on.
As of now, Ruze holds the record for finishing the game the fastest, with 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
Ayala said, “The way it looked, its audio, the limited movement made it so you were constantly on edge and so the jumpscares were there to throw you off the edge of sorts. The new games, however, just don’t hold up in this regard. The game feels more like a tag than an actual horror game. The lack of visual and auditory cues makes it difficult to face genuine fear of the game.”
The company running the series now is Steel Wool Studios along with comments coming from Scott Cawthaw, creator of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.”
Although this game was rushed by its developers, the graphics are incomparable to the other games. This game was the lowest-rated of the series, earning a 5.9 out of 10.
The game was very entertaining but I feel like characters such as Chica, Roxy, or Moondrop should have had more lines. Since Chica had repetitive lines, there wasn’t much room for character development.
Out of the whole series, this game is my favorite. I would rate it 9 out of 10. I feel like it needs major changes but other than that I love it. It is my favorite because of the attention to detail the developers had while making it.
I like the fact that Freddy makes you feel welcomed throughout the entire game because it adds depth to your missions. This paired with the beautifully designed map makes it the perfect escape.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach revives the fandom once again
Tags: Gaming, Five Nights at Freddy’s, FNAF, Animatronics, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach,
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a game that has evolved from a point-and-click survival game to the newest free-roam game. As many kids and teens started to watch “let’s plays” of games that are now very popular from their favorite content creators. This is what started the ball rolling of the multi-series “Five Night’s at Freddy’s.” The controls in the game were fairly simple as to move the point of view of the office you are set up in, is just to move the mouse left or right a point to a direction, you have a tablet that shows you the camera views of the pizzeria. To secure yourself from the four animatronics that would eventually come into your office, you have two doors that can be locked from the inside with a press of a button. You can lock the door and use another button to turn the outside of the office light on. The four animatronic consist of Freddy Frazbear the main attraction, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, and Foxy the fox. While playing the game you must monitor the four animatronics with the cameras that are placed within the restaurant, all while monitoring your limited amount of power. To advance to the next night of the week you must secure yourself in the office from 12 a.m to 6 a.m. This is in comparison to the free-roam which leads a path onto larger maps, tiny details, a storyline you must follow throughout the game, along with a long set of missions you must complete before leaving Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. But this time you have the help of Freddy Frazbear in the old game Freddy would come into your office, jumpscare you and would simply mean game over.
The lore in the game is written within the first game along with all the other games, some fans investigate what is going on inside the pizzeria. There is lore written within the phone calls the player gets at the start of each night, telling of any clues to survival within the game. As fans try to uncover the name of the person sending the phone calls, many have named him Phone Guy. The first night of the game gives hints on what the player may uncover in lore.
The Phone Guy said, “ Uh, they (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy) used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of ’87. Yeah. I-It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?”
Many do not know what this is referencing because the evidence was going to arise in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” the second game to be created which mentioned The Bite of 87. After Night 6, Phone Guy calls Jeremy, the security guard that the player controls in “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” to tell him he would be working the day shift the following day. The closing scene is a newspaper saying that Freddy Frazbear’s would be closing due to a malfunction in the animatronics, along with a check dated “11-13-1987” leading back to Jermy, who had worked that day and may have had his frontal lobe ripped from his head from one of the animatronics.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “William Afton one of the creators of Frazbear industries, murdered children and would then place them in animatronic suits so that no one would find the body.”
William Afton married and being a father of three, along with Henry Emily married and father of two children are the co-owners of Frazbear Entertainment when they opened a diner named Fredbears Family Diner. Both were mechanical geniuses who created two spring-lock suits so they can serve and entertain their guests, but can also pass as animatronic suits. The animatronics SpringBonnie and Fredbear. After this another location named Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria opened, featuring Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, causing them to start selling merchandise like masks and stuffed animals. This was the start of the murder spree from William Afton, there was a private party at the pizzeria where William placed his SpringBonnie suit on and gathered 5 children to the back of the pizzeria telling them that he had a surprise for them. William Afton murdered these 5 children and stuffed them into the mechanical suits of Fredbear (the first Freddy suit) Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. This caused Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria to be closed down. After this Circus baby was created to be able to stuff children inside of her without killing children in front of crowds.
William Afton said, “She can dance, she can sing, she’s equipped with a built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests. She can even dispense ice cream.”
William’s and Henry’s families would occasionally visit the animatronics, like William’s daughter Elizabeth Afton. Elizabeth loved Circus Baby, though her father would never let her see Circus Baby. Circus Baby had killed Elizabeth because of the programming that William Afton had set. Soon William told both Micheal and Evan (Crying Child) his sons to never go near the animatronics alone in a room. William had no idea what to do but create a sound illusion disk that had a high-frequency level noise that would create nightmares for his youngest son. William had set cameras in Evan’s room to be able to monitor him along with a Golden Freddy Plushie. During all this going on Michael would scare his little brother with a Foxy mask every day until Evan’s birthday party.
De La Cruz said, “Then one of his sons, nicknamed the Crying Child, was placed in the head of one of the active animatronics on stage by his older brother (Michael Afton) and friends. The Crying Child’s head was crushed by the animatronic, becoming one of the bite incidents at a Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria”
Michael would plan how to bully Evan into the Diner for his birthday party. Michael and his friends had Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica masks. Michael and his friends bullied Evan into the diner and they had shoved Evan inside the mouth of Fredbear. This caused the Fredbear springs’ jaw to lock and bite Evan’s head. Evan would have Nightmares like the ones that William had made, but this time there was a Nightmare version of Fredbear. Henry Emily would kick William Afton from controlling or doing anything about Frazbear Entertainment. Henry would pair up with businessmen and women to make the franchise go to another level and cover up the messes that William Afton had left behind.
Start here
In an attempt to cover up William Afton’s murder spree, a new location opened up in Hurrian, Utah. Unlike William, Henry does all that he can to keep everyone in the building safe. This includes his customers and his children. Henry programmed the animatronic characters not to kill anyone except William Afton. To ensure the safety of his children, he programmed the animatronic characters with facial recognition so they could protect his children. The animatronics were used as a security measure just in case William set foot in any of the restaurants. Later, Henry created The Marionette to protect his daughter, Charlotte Emily.
William heard about the Utah location opening and became angry that Henry made a new restaurant without him. William became enraged by the fact that he couldn’t be a part of the company anymore.
William comes back the next night and notices that Charlotte is being bullied by a group of boys. It escalates and Charlotte is kicked out by the group of boys. William sees this and leaves his car to murder Charlotte.
But with no way of disposing of the body, he throws her near the dumpsters in the pouring rain.
The Marionette was supposed to keep Charlotte safe however, she was stuck in a box, leaving Charlotte in danger. The Marionette eventually breaks free and becomes damaged by the rain. While trying to rescue Charlotte it breaks down, collapsing on top of her.
William’s resentment towards Henry caused him to go on another killing spree wearing the SpringBonnie suit. On the spree, William murders 5 children and hides the bodies inside the animatronic characters.
Since Charlotte died with The Marionette near her, she now controls it. Charlotte as The Marionette gives the dead children hidden in the suits an opportunity at revenge on William. The animatronic characters start acting strange when they think William is near. They believe that you are the killer because they don’t know what William looks like.
As a result of the deaths, Henry and the businessmen decided to close the pizzeria. Instead, they would go on to create a new pizzeria including old characters such as Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy Frazbear.
Henry controlled the new Freddy Frazbear Pizzeria. Because Henry did not want any more deaths, William was in charge of controlling Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals.
Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals was a building used for party rentals. This new business allowed William to create new animatronics while hosting special events.
Due toWilliams’ss murder sprees, him and his wife live in separate houses. William tells his wife that he doesn’t want his son Michael anymore. She fights him on this and William grows furious with her. William kills his wife because of the situation.
In Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, William creates new animatronics inspired by old ones. The new characters include Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy they would be used as a way to capture and kill children.
William also created an animatronic named Ballora, inspired by his late wife. Ballora is used to hide his wife’s body.
An upset and violent William decides to destroy all of the animatronics at Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria.
When he does this, the spirits hidden in the animatronics start to fight back. They start to corner him and he puts on the SpringBonnie suit he wore when he murdered them. William forgot that if the SpringBonnie suit got water on it, it would shut down, causing the person inside to die from suffocation.
William had gotten water inside the suit from a broken water pipe. Since the children had avenged their deaths, they were now freed.
William’s last words were, “I always come back.”
Henry was the acting security guard because there were no other people for the position. While on duty, he heard loud noises coming from the pizzeria. Thinking of everything wrong William had done, Henry became worried and went inside to investigate.
When he saw the destroyed animatronics, Henry immediately became overwhelmed. Without the animatronics, he didn’t have a business.
With more time on his hands, Henry started to think that Charlotte’s spirit might be in The Marionette suit.
To retrieve her spirit, Henry created Lefty. Lefty stands for lure, encapsulate, fuse, transport, and extract. The new animatronic was inspired by Freddy.
William’s oldest son, Michael became worried about him because he had been gone for a long time. Trying to check on his father, Michael called Henry. On the phone, Henry acted as if he didn’t know anything but suggested that he check Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals to see if he was there.
When Michael went to Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals, he pretended to be one of the technicians. While he was there, he encountered an animatronic named Ennard. The animatronics believed that Michael was an intruder so Ennard looked out for him. He made sure to check on him every night so he would stay safe from the blood-hungry animatronics.
Ennard was made out of parts from Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and Circus Baby. The main controller of Ennard is Circus Baby.
Ennard takes Micheal into the scooping room in which the animatronics are dismembered from the outer suit and their endoskeleton. Ennard decides the best thing for them is to leave Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals and use Michael’s body as a vehicle to escape the building.
Ennard doesn’t have anyone else’s body to use since he killed the only two technicians that were in charge of fixing the animatronics. To carry out his plan, Ennard forces Michael to get scooped.
Circus Baby said, “I’ve been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go when we look like this. But if we looked like you, then we could hide. If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go. The Scooper only hurts for a moment.”
Ennard steals Michael’s body and he is finally free.
To escape, Ennard had to wear Michael’s body as a suit. When it started to decompose, Ennard went into the sewers, leaving Michael’s body on the street.
Michael’s body was decaying but his spirit wasn’t. In his spirit form, he realizes that the voice of Circus Baby is his sister, Elizabeth.
On the street, Michael starts to hear Circus Baby chant, “You won’t die.” That was when Michael’s spirit gained control of his body. The only reason Michael didn’t die was that William wasn’t dead.
Ennard and the other animatronics ganged up on Circus Baby and she was banned from controlling Ennard. Ennard was unable to use his wiring because Circus Baby controlled his body. To work around this, Ennard collected scraps and pieces from the sewers to build himself a new body.
Ennard changed his name to Molten Freddy because he looked more similar to Funtime Freddy. Circus Baby was left alone and soon rebuilt herself to become Scrap Baby.
William’s character was renamed to Springtrap. For 30 years, his soul was stuck inside the Springtrap suit. Springtrap would be used as an animatronic at Frazbear Frights, a new business in the Frazbear franchise. The owner was never named.
Michael was now living in the shadows, looking for an opportunity to avenge his family. Michael heard of the new business and joined as a security guard. The new business had merchandise and animatronics from the previous businesses.
After long nights working at Frazbear Frights, Michael learned that his father was trapped inside of Springtrap. He planned to kill Springtrap to avenge everyone in his family that had been wronged by his father.
Michael set the building on fire because it was the only way to make sure Springtrap was gone for good. This helped the other find peace while also successfully killing Springtrap.
The souls of the dead children that were attached to the animatronic characters went back to the original pizzeria where their bodies had died.
They all celebrated by having a party. They had finally found peace.
Golden Freddy had two spirits in him. One was ready to die and the other wasn’t. Along with one of the spirits in Golden Freddy, the Marionette was not ready to die. They would only be ready to die once William died for good.
The spirits that were ready occupied Golden Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Henry was questioning if the animatronic characters were alive. All of the animatronic characters were destroyed by William except for the ones he had built himself. Those included Molten Freddy, Lefty, and Scrap Baby.
Henry would create another establishment named Frazbear Entertainment. He believed that this would tempt Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby, and Lefty into coming back. Once he lured them back, he would kill the last of the animatronics.
Michael became the security guard for Frazbear Entertainment so he could be in on the plan.
In response to the new franchise, Scraptrap said, “What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless. Fascinating, what they (the animatronics that he had created) have become. You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it’s still me.”
Henry had a plan that was set for Saturday.
On Saturday, during Michael’s night shift, he was left to face all of the animatronics. Molten Freddy and Scraptrap turned on him. Thankfully, Lefty was there to rescue Michael.
The only reason that Michael was saved is that The Marionette occupied Lefty. Meaning, that Charlotte occupied Lefty.
This allowed Henry to follow through with his plan; he burned down the new establishment.
Henry left a message to all the animatronic characters. He wished the spirits peace and happiness, all except William. As for William, he told him that a hole in the depth of Hell is waiting for him.
Henry asked for forgiveness from his daughter for not protecting her when she was killed. He told her that he wants her to escape this world and be at peace.
The only spirit that was left was Evan Afton who occupied Golden Freddy. Evan tortured William by showing him the nightmares he suffered while he was alive.
Evan went to an afterlife and was told by the man who runs the afterlife named “Old Man Consequences” that it was his time to rest to Williams’s and to leave the demons to fight their own demons.
As for the aftermath, there were rumors that the Freddy Frazbear franchise was going bankrupt. A man that used to work for the company developed a game that was based on the rumors of the Freddy franchise.
The franchise and the “ex-employee” were secretly partners all along but they used the publicity to create other games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
After a while, the company decided that making games wouldn’t make the amount of money they wanted, so they started to design a much bigger and larger pizzeria named Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. They did this to cover up the Freddy Frazbear pizzeria fire scandal.
To construct the Mega Pizzaplex, they would need a lot more money, so they constructed Frazbear Funtime service. This company would sell merchandise and party supplies.
The game designers continued constructing “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted.”
Vanessa, a game designer, would later partner with Jeremy to scan the unused coding from previous games. This means that they would copy old games and place them into the work-in-progress games.
Jeremy was one of the game testers. As he was testing the virtual reality game, he noticed a glitch that resembled an old animatronic character, SpringBonnie. He alerted the management team that the bunny-shaped character would try to have a conversation with him, but management just dismissed it as a glitch.
Jeremy told his coworkers that he was having nightmares about the situation but nobody took him seriously. The owners of the company were planning to fire Jeremy after the release of the game because of his behavior.
During office hours, Jeremy had committed suicide with a paper guillotine. He cut his face off to prevent the bunny-shaped creature from controlling his mind.
Vanessa saw Jermey in the supplier room but she did not notice he was dead because of the VR headset he had on. Another employee noticed the body and told the higher-ups about the incident.
Vanessa walked in on a private discussion between the owners of the company regarding the glitch in the game and the possibility of a lawsuit.
Vanessa was told to continue the virtual reality game that Jermy had left. Vanessa started playing the full set of virtual reality games, which included all of the previous and some future games.
It features “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 2,” Five Nights at Freddy’s 3,”
Dark Rooms, Parts and Services, and Night Terrors.
While Vanessa is playing the game, she sees the glitch that Jeremy was talking about. She edited the game and created voice tapes for the next person. In the tapes, she warned the player that they should not play the games in order because it was too late for her.
At this point, William, now Glitchtrap, had entered Vanessa’s mind. Entering her mind gave him full control of her.
Glitchtrap made Vanessa create a suit and name it Vanny. This suit was similar to SpringBonnie, a suit that William had created.
After getting all the money to create Freddy Frazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex it had finally opened. It featured Freddy Frazbear, Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, and Roxanne Wolf.
There was also Bonnie but there was a rumor that Montgomery Gator destroyed him so he could have the role of the lead bass player.
Most of the staff except for security got replaced by robots. One of the higher-ups at Frazbear Entertainment appointed Vanessa as the security guard.
Vanessa wants to bring Glitchtrap to life. Glitchtrap was controlling her mind and ordered her a to do so, along with other tasks such as murdering children.
Vanessa had been trying therapy but when a therapist got close to telling her the truth about everything, they mysteriously disappeared. There are 9 children and 3 therapists missing because of Vanessa.
A child snuck into the Pizzaplex and the stomach hatch of Freddy Frazbear. This child’s name was Gregory.
Gregory followed Freddy’s instructions about how to leave the Pizzaplex but failed because the doors were locked.
Stuck in the Pizzaplex, Gregory tries to survive while facing all of the animatronics, new and old.
In an attempt to escape, Gregory goes into the daycare center located in the Pizzaplex but is kicked out by its guards, Sundrop and Moondrop. Sundrop and Moondrop are animatronic but it has bipolar coding, meaning that their mood depends on the lighting. When the lights are off, Moondrop is the guard but when the lights are on, Sundrop is the guard.
Gregory leaves the daycare center and faces Montgomery Gator at Monty Golf, an indoor minigolf course. Montgomery is destroyed when Gregory pressed a button causing a giant metal bucket to fall on top of him.
Later, he destroys Roxanne Wolf with a Roxy Raceway car. While driving on the racetrack, Roxy gets in the way. He swerved so he could get out while also killing Roxanne.
After this, he destroys Chica by cooking her a pizza and leaving it in the trash compactor. She is eating over the trash compactor and he presses a button, turning it on. Chica tries to reach for Gregory but he kicks her in the face and leaves her to die.
Gregory fixes Freddy with the remaining parts from Roxy, Monty, and Chica.
Both Freddy and Gregory run from the DJ who is designed like a giant animatronic spider. Since Freddy and Gregory are finally free, they find Vanny who is searching for Gregory.
The Pizzaplex doors are finally open. Gregory can leave but does not want to since children are still going to be harmed by the establishment.
Gregory decides to stay and find the secrets of the Pizzaplex.
Freddy and Gregory go down a sketchy elevator leading underground to Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place. After reaching the control room which is the security guard room, Gregory starts to suspect that Freddy is being possessed by one of the old animatronics.
Vanny was able to recreate the body of Scraptrap and transfer William’s glitched coding from Glitchtrap to Scraptrap. Meaning, that Vanny brought back William. Scraptrap wanted a better animatronic to possess so he started to control Freddy.
Gregory pressed a button causing a fire in Scraptrap’s room and stropping Freddy from getting controlled momentarily. When this happens, Roxy appears and she has no eyes.
Roxy uses audio cues to attack Gregory but gets disoriented when she hears Chica’s voice coming from Freddy. Freddy and Gregory try to escape the old Freddy Frazbear’s Pizza Place as Scraptrap attacks them.
Molten Freddy kidnaps Scraptrap. Gregory and Freddy are finally free from a very long night. They are finally able to live happily ever after.
Organizing the games correctly does not match with the timing of their release. In correct chronological order it would be: “Five Nights at Freddy’s 4”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 1”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 3”, “Freddy Frazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s Help Wanted”, “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery” and then finally “Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach”
As the lore expands, so does the fandom of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” Many fans became interested later on in the series. Fans online posting about the game made it popular.
Junior Arturo Ayala said, “I became interested in the series around 3 years ago during my freshman year. I found it through a fanmade song. The Tiktok algorithm started recommending a bunch more ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ content and I started going down the rabbit hole 1 video at a time.”
Tiktok has opened the doors to many cosplayers who dress up as animatronic characters from the game. There are also many viral clips of popular YouTubers getting jumpscared such as Markiplier.
YouTuber Markiplier said, “No other game has given me a greater feeling of dread than “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” It is incredibly unique and takes an approach to horror that I’ve never experienced before. If you’re a fan of scary games, you must check this game out!”
The game itself makes the series incredibly frightening to most fans because of the jumpscares.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s Wiki,” said, “You have a very limited amount of electricity that you’re allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, from lore). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn’t right- if Freddy or his friends aren’t in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed.”
The game is surrounded by a mysterious aura that causes chills to run down your spine. This is because most of the cameras throughout the map feature many dark corners and there is overall dim lighting.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach” is different from the other games because it starts with bright lighting and fast-paced music. The game turns dark and mysterious overtime.
Fans of the series heard about the game in different ways.
After the game gained popularity, game theorist Matpat started to create videos detailing theories about the series.
Kizy said, “I would always watch Matpat’s theories about the lore.”
On the other hand, people heard about the series from fan art, including drawing, songs, animations, music videos, and cosplay.
Ayala said, “I found out about ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ from one of the fan-made songs when I was younger and from there I’ve been exploring different parts of the fandom.”
The creators of the game added glitches to make it feel as close to their reality as possible. For instance, the Golden Freddy glitch happens when you flip the camera too many times.
Junior Dani De La Cruz said, “I think all the games were pretty polished with a few glitches here and there. The storyline is convoluted as always, and the audio takes are awesome in my opinion, especially the audio that would come after losing to a specific animatronic in Ultimate Custom Night. The scare factor, though, was at its peak in “Help Wanted” as it was a more intimate and close-up experience.”
The most current game has an abundance of jumpscares because of the free-roaming feature, which was not seen in the first game. In the first game there were only four characters who would jump scare you while now, the amount of characters has expanded greatly.
Now, with a large map there are more opportunities to get the player scared, including things like glitches, visuals, and auditory aspects.
Ayala said, “The new game is so big and that leaves room for so many errors. Playing it, it’s clear that it’d be very rushed and so that takes away the enjoyment.”
Fans say that the map setup leaves room for accidental glitches to occur. In comparison to the first game, there aren’t many noticeable errors like the misspelling of the word “pizzeria” and so on.
As of now, Ruze holds the record for finishing the game the fastest, with 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
Ayala said, “The way it looked, its audio, the limited movement made it so you were constantly on edge and so the jumpscares were there to throw you off the edge of sorts. The new games, however, just don’t hold up in this regard. The game feels more like a tag than an actual horror game. The lack of visual and auditory cues makes it difficult to face genuine fear of the game.”
The company running the series now is Steel Wool Studios along with comments coming from Scott Cawthaw, creator of “Five Nights at Freddy’s.”
Although this game was rushed by its developers, the graphics are incomparable to the other games. This game was the lowest-rated of the series, earning a 5.9 out of 10.
The game was very entertaining but I feel like characters such as Chica, Roxy, or Moondrop should have had more lines. Since Chica had repetitive lines, there wasn’t much room for character development.
Out of the whole series, this game is my favorite. I would rate it 9 out of 10. I feel like it needs major changes but other than that I love it. It is my favorite because of the attention to detail the developers had while making it.
I like the fact that Freddy makes you feel welcomed throughout the entire game because it adds depth to your missions. This paired with the beautifully designed map makes it the perfect escape.

Obsessed with the band Lovejoy, I love Iced coffee, I have a fish named Tortilla.