Meeting the columnist

Grace Elson

Our new columnist!

Can you imagine having to write out your opinion and making sure that it is enticing and worthwhile to a whole student body? Sounds stressful doesn’t it; who would want such a task? Enter me, Emanuel Negrete! I will be MCHS’ columnist for the Spellbinder this year, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Now, what is a columnist exactly? Essentially, it is someone who has their own section to write about whatever is going on. With that much freedom, you’d think the articles would write themselves, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. With that being said, who even am I?

Honestly, the way you’ll recognize me is the guy who is always wearing some sort of flannel hoodie. I usually don’t talk much, but should you want to approach me then do so slowly, but not too slow or I’ll think you’re creepy. I’m very open minded, so if you don’t agree with me, I’d be happy to see things from your perspective. The reason I chose to be a columnist is because I have a lot to say, and my preferred method to truly expressing myself is writing.

As for what I want to write about, I could just rant on and on about little things like why you have to basically travel to a water fountain or the fact that the locker room door is always jammed, but I want to write more than just your average problems. I want to tackle subjects that will make you think and ever so often have just a fun article because life doesn’t need more stress. I’m looking forward to working for the Spellbinder this year, and I’m happy to be apart of it.