Sophomore student spotlight: Franklin Guevara


Franklin Guevara peeking out of the locker room.

Emanuel Negrete, Columnist

The sophomores have spoken! The Spellbinder is happy to announce that the winner of the student spotlight is Franklin Guevara!

Guevara proudly comes from an immigrant family in the not-so-high socioeconomic bracket, so he took up the opportunity to enroll in Middle College High School when he got the chance. “I thought Middle College can be a good choice to challenge myself personally and save some money and stress that would come from paying two years of college,” Guevara said. Some of his hobbies include playing the cello, which he was interested in since the fourth grade, and cooking for his family. “I have the same philosophy in food as I do for music; try as many as you can.” He feels as if he doesn’t have the dedication to truly make music a career for himself, so for now, he knows it will stay a hobby.

Known for being extremely kind, intelligent, and full of personality among the sophomores, he aspires to major in chemistry. “I really like the sciences, specifically the physical sciences,” says Guevara, “I like to know how something works and why it does what it does.” He wishes to get into UC Berkeley for their renowned science program and because of transferable credits.

Having spent some time here at Middle College, he strongly feels as if there is something that needs improving. Guevara, like many other students, is saddened by the number of activities at Middle College. “Try to be more involved as a community,” Guevara says, “We need a larger percentage of the student body to be active.” He believes that the school is in need of academic clubs, which would not only look better for the school but would also “look good on your college resumes.” When asked for examples of what kinds of academic clubs, he pointed at the other schools who have things such as the academic decathlon or competitive speech and debate. “I think it would be interesting to make a team and have them compete,” he added thoughtfully.

When asked if he had overall thoughts he wanted to share with the student body, he stressed the importance of opportunities. “Take as many opportunities as you can, such as extra credit or volunteer, because high school passes quicker than you realize.” Guevara then recalled a program known as Saturday Academy of Law which he had regretted not participating in, “If people see an opportunity and they feel like it would benefit their future, then they should take it.” Furthermore, he makes it clear that one of his methods of success and happiness is through the mastering of time management. “Learn to manage your time, make a schedule if it helps because it helped me. Despite all my college classes, it is still possible for me to find time to workout because I try to find time and manage my schedule because it makes you more organized and have less stress”

Franklin Guevara is one of the brightest stars on campus and is really something special. Whether you know him for his achievements, or love him for the warm-hearted individual who is always eager to make people laugh, Franklin is an outstanding student and an even greater friend to those he loves. And for that, Franklin is truly someone worthy of the spotlight!