Culture of music
Earbuds in, music up, sit back and vibe
March 28, 2018
Let’s be honest; music is a one of a kind. It’s an art, yes, but just how big of an impact is it making in today’s world? When you come back home from school or even during class, and you put your earbuds in and start jamming out to your favorite playlist, it does something to the mind and even the soul. It serves a multitude of purposes in almost every situation and mood imaginable. This isn’t an article to take away the value of other art forms, such as photography or painting, but being an enormous fan of music (hip-hop specifically) and being practically obsessed with the creative process of making art, I think it’s important to realize just how great of an influence that music projects over the world of a teen in the moment that they press “play” on their phone.
It’s a different world that one enters when a song is playing because your attention is suddenly shifted to the track you’re listening to. “To me, music is an escape. Music is how I get through the day…it’s very powerful and it helps people express their emotions,” said Rodriguez, a junior. And while it can be a distraction from studying or doing homework, it’s also a stress-reliever that helps take your mind off of things. Some might focus on the lyrics more than the tune playing and vice versa, but either one captivates the listener in that moment. Bryan goes on by saying, “I think that the lyrics are usually what inspire people, especially teens. Music helps them by relating to some of their ideas or helping them understand new ideas.” Themes are emphasized through words and symbolism, and songs are no different. Every song that’s created has a purpose, whether it’s to entertain or teach. People hold onto that new sound that could possibly change their perspective about their life or the world entirely.
It can be relatable to anyone who genuinely connects the passion that is the song, whether its by vocals or just an instrumental. Karen Alegria, a sophomore, states, “For some (teenagers), it’s the message they’re getting out of it. For others, it’s the feeling they get when they listen to their favorite song.” Artists express their character through their music; people then listen to it and appreciate it because they share the same sound or message that the creator is putting out. This builds a community that is connected by the same interests in music, which holds a culture that won’t suddenly disappear. People will continue to stick together as long as they choose to embrace the thing that they love. “I honestly don’t think it (music) will ever end just because it’s pretty much everywhere you go. People listen to music at restaurants, stores, cars, schools, and when they’re walking,” added Alegria.
Music is a vibe, it’s a celebration, it’s boastful, it can be anything an artist wants it to be because it embodies emotion. When you experiencing the tune of a song for the first time, it engages the listener to something brand new, especially when it’s from their favorite artist. This is something they’ve never heard before that almost feeds the mind with melodies that are simply sounds playing through your device. Yes, music is subjective and there will be disagreements, but that’s what makes music so much greater because there’s a wide range of diversity across all genres and it ultimately brings together every single fan of music.