The battle of the ages: Dub vs Sub


Jessie Ortiz

Sophomore Sahira Carino can’t decide whether to watch her anime subbed or dubbed..

Jessie Ortiz, Multimedia Editor

Avid anime fans agree why anime is enjoyable: the unique art style, storytelling, and Japanese culture. However, they query the forums of Reddit, wondering whether to watch subtitled or dubbed over anime (commonly referred to as sub or dub). Some commenters on online forums talk about how sub is superior and more accurate, but others talk about how dub is just as good, if not better. 

This has been an ongoing debate in the anime community. Everywhere online, you’ll see die-hard anime fans defending their preferred method of anime. 

Many who watch subbed anime agree that they prefer it because it is true to the artist’s initial vision. Often times in older anime, the dubbed versions would be censored to appeal to younger American audiences. 

“I prefer subs because it preserves the animator’s first intentions,” said junior Eric Gonzalez, an avid anime watcher. “Some dubs are good, but for the sake of the animators, sub.” 

Others prefer subbed because they prefer the raw emotion often delivered by Japanese voice actors. “If you want a more immersive experience, [watch] subbed,” said SAC student Cesar Ruelas. “You feel more emotion.”

On the other side, dubbed anime fans prefer it for its convenience. SAC student Walter Uriostegui said, “I like dubbed anime because it’s easier to understand. Subbed anime requires your undivided attention, whereas you can look away from dubbed anime for a moment and not miss out on anything. You don’t have to constantly be reading the subtitles and can focus on other things, like homework or your phone. “

Sometimes it just depends on the anime you are watching. Most older anime don’t have professional subtitles or dubs. 

“Sometimes both are bad, you just have to choose the lesser of the two evils,” said Ruelas. 

However, there are cases when the dubbed in known to be better, such example is the “Dragon Ball” series. The dubbed version is often regarded as the definitive way to watch it. 

With anime’s immense popularity in the U.S., nearly all mainstream anime receives both professionally made dubs and subs. Older anime, like “Neon Genesis Evangelion,” are often given new subtitles or dubs, too. There is no true answer to this debate. Whether dubs or subs are better is left entirely up to your own preference or the anime you are watching. In the end, there is no wrong way to watch anime, as long as the way you watched it was enjoyable for you.