Letter from the Editor: Give back with feedback
Comments are vital to the quality of any product. The Spellbinder is always happy to receive feedback however possible.
March 13, 2020
I’m fairly certain everyone has undergone that feeling where they’ve just accomplished something amazing and feel eager to share their happiness with others. That’s a feeling I’ve grown familiar with each time The Spellbinder hits publish on their latest issue. However, there is nothing more heartbreaking than having someone not receive any comments on their articles.
One of the best things about The Spellbinder is how interactive it can be. There is an array of ways to get in touch with the people who have the power to highlight matters relevant to the school. Comments are one of the most simple yet most impactful forms of interaction because of the validation given to the writer. Regardless of the length of the comment, there’s just something special about someone taking the time to acknowledge your hard work.
Keep that in mind as you read this message: your comments matter! Those words that you spare could be the difference between one of the staff writers feeling motivated to write versus them genuinely feeling like they aren’t good enough.
Some may argue that there aren’t any articles that interest them. To that, I say: comment on what you want to be seen!
Opinions matter, especially to news networks that are oriented around the people’s needs. I urge all of you to think about the amount of work each and every one of the staff goes through to produce the newspaper.
Don’t believe me? Look at what happened to the video-game movie “Sonic the Hedgehog” when the internet came together to criticize the animation of the character. With enough vocalization, a product can be refined to meet the taste of the audience.
All in all, I wish to thank all of you for the support shown to the journalism class. As one of the co-editors-in-chief, I know how important each comment is to my staff writers. I only urge you all to continue to be supportive to my staff as they continue to write about things they are passionate about.