Families belong together

Stephanie Cervantes, News Editor

Immigration has always been a highly debated topic in politics, but family separation shouldn’t be.  

The American Civil Liberties Union said in a court filing that they have been unable to contact the parents of 545 children who were separated at the border by the Trump administration, leaving the children living with sponsors throughout the country. 

Upon entering office, President Donald Trump imposed a crackdown on families seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border which led to thousands of family separations. Children were placed in shelters, often unaware of what was happening to their parents, who were most likely detained and deported.

Junior Jamie Sanchez said this when asked about how the Trump administration handled immigration.

“I think fear among immigrants in the United States grew abruptly under Trump’s presidency because we knew from the start that he was opposed to it.” 

There is currently a lot of cruelty in place at our southern border, far beyond just protecting people or making communities safer. Everyone deserves to have their basic needs met, especially children. Children deserve an education and to be in the custody of their own parents. The trauma these children are experiencing every second that they remain separated from their parents will stay with them for life. That needs to change. 

When asked about the current immigration process former student, Vivian Samano, said this. 

“People should not receive harsh punishments for wanting a better life and seeking opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t get. There needs to be a faster and easier way for them to come here legally,” Samano said. 

 Immigration policies are flawed. The process of acquiring a citizenship should be easier and more welcoming, especially for  a nation of immigrants. Immigration has enriched our economy and society in countless ways. It’s time we all realize that.