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Podcast: Dive into the clubs at MCHS!

Podcast: Dive into the clubs at MCHS!

KAROL CABRERA: Hey Wizards, welcome back to another podcast. Today we’ll be taking you around Open House as we interview clubs. We’ll be interviewing clubs such as Art Club, Musicians Unite, and Wish Come True, and many more. Let’s get into it. 


CABRERA: Hi, what club are you in?


CABRERA: What do you guys do?

FUENTES: Oh, we meet every other week to just work on arts and crafts projects which range from like a painting to origami. Last week we even made beads out of paper. 

CABRERA: How can somebody join your club? 

FUENTES: Anyone can join our club you just need to show up. That’s all like that’s it. No requirements. Nothing to show up to the meeting, sign in and then you could get started on making fun crafts. 

CABRERA: Why do you think people should join your club? 

FUENTES: I think if you just want some moment to just go with your friends and relax and have fun and get a little crafty. Then you should join our club because it’s like a great environment for people of all experiences. You don’t even have to be a great artist to join. 

CABRERA: Okay do you guys do any field trips? 

FUENTES: So I think it was this year or last year. I think it was this year, but we went on a field trip to a museum in Los Angeles. Art Club members got first priority and then other students got to join us as well. But we went like just to a museum. It’s really cool.

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi, what club are you guys from?

JAYLEEN OCHOA: The Dance Team.

CABRERA: What do you guys do? 


CABRERA: How can someone join?

OCHOA: You have to audition.

CABRERA: Why should we join? 

OCHOA: It’s a really fun, like welcoming environment. You have a lot of fun when you perform. 

CABRERA: Do you guys do any field trips? 


CABRERA: Who can join your club?

BOTH: Anyone.

CABRERA: What time and day do guys meet?

NIETO: We meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30. 

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi, what club are you from? 

JOCELIN VALADEZ: I’m from Ladies First. 

CABRERA: What do you guys do? 

VALADEZ: We talk about topics that aren’t really talked about and they’re pushed aside usually relating to women. 

CABRERA: How can someone join your club?  

VALADEZ: They just need to join the meetings; they’re during lunch in Ms. Peterson’s room every other  Tuesday. 

CABRERA: Why do you think people should join your Club? 

VALADEZ: I think they join the club because it could be a safe space for women who aren’t allowed to talk about topics like related to women in their own households. 

CABRERA: Do you guys go on any field trips? 

VALADEZ: We don’t go on any future trips, but, we do have guest speakers. 

CABRERA: Who can join your Club? 

VALADEZ: Anyone can join our club, anybody, everybody is welcome. 

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi, what club are you from?

SAUL MIGUEL: Team Streets.

CABRERA: What do you guys do? 

MIGUEL: Oh, we go around Santa Ana just clean up trash and try to make our community a cleaner place and help students get community service hours. 

CABRERA: How can someone join?

MIGUEL: Just join our Remind or follow us on Instagram; that’s a way to find out about future events. 

CABRERA: Why do you think people should join your club? 

MIGUEL: I think it’s a way to get community service hours. It’s definitely a big part here at our school. So I think that it is an easy way for students to get involved in the community and meet other students. 

CABRERA: Do you guys have any field trips? 

MIGUEL: Um not yet. I hope in the future that we will be able to have more field trips to like the beach and stuff to do beach cleanups, but so far not yet.

CABRERA: Who can join your club?

MIGUEL: Anyone. Just as long as you’re like a student, but anyone from any grade, you’re allowed to join our club. All you really need to do is just join the Remind and just show up to our events.

Cabrera: What time and day do you guys meet on?

MIGUEL: Most of the time we meet like every other Saturday from like 8 to 10 a.m. We’re usually there for two hours. Students are able to get like two hours of community service. 

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you. 


JOCELYN DIAZ:  Hi, what’s your club? 

SARAH MORENO: Our club is the GSA also as the Gender Sexuality Alliance. 

DIAZ:  What do you guys do? 

MORENO: We provide a safe space for students to you know come and enjoy, you know, a welcoming environment and we also do some educational stuff along with some fun stuff. 

DIAZ: How can someone join? 

MORENO: Um, you just come and you don’t need to do anything to join. 

DIAZ: Why should someone join your club?

MORENO: Because it’s really fun, educational and supportive. 

DIAZ: Do you guys go on any field trips? 

MORENO: Not as of right now, but maybe. 

DIAZ: Who can join your club?

MORENO: Anyone can join. 

DIAZ: What time and days do you guys meet?

MORENO: Every other Thursday during lunch in Ms. Peterson’s room. 

DIAZ: Thank you. 


DIAZ: What’s your club?


DIAZ: What do you guys do? 

OSTIO: Oh, we show movies after school. Usually like historical movies and black and white movies. 

DIAZ: How can someone join your club?

OSTIO: Anyone can join; you just have to ask like one of the co-presidents for the Remind and they’ll add you and you can just pop in anytime.

DIAZ: Why should someone join your club? 

OSTIO: You should join our club because you can learn from different things like snapshots and different types of films, usually more like historical. So like Alfred Hitchcock and people like that and yeah.

DIAZ: Do guys go on any field trips? 

OSTIO: No, we don’t go on any field trips, but we do a lot of  fun activities during film club. 

DIAZ: Who can join your club? 

OSTIO: Anyone can join our club. 

DIAZ: What day and time do you meet? 

OSTIO: We usually meet like once or twice a month after school. Usually on Thursdays or Fridays.  

DIAZ: Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi, what club are you from?

ARELY CASTRO: Knits and stitches. 

CABRERA: And what do guys do?

CASTRO: We knit, crochet, and embroider. 

 CABRERA: How can someone join?

CASTRO: Um, you just watch out for our Reminds and then you just show up.

CABRERA: And why do you think people should join your club? 

CASTRO: I think that it’s something pretty fun that people can do to like calm or relax themself and just learn something new. 

CABRERA: Do guys go on any field trips?


CABRERA: Who can join your club?

CASTRO: Anyone can as long as I like they have over a 2.0 but everyone has over a 2.0. So that’s okay. 

CABRERA: Okay, and what time and what day do guys meet? 

CASTRO: Um this year we met on Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30, but that might change next year. 

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi what club are you from?

EMILY MELCHOR: Sports Club. 

CABRERA: What do you guys do?

MELCHOR: In Sports Club we offer the space for students to play sports like basketball and volleyball with friends during lunch and host friendly tournaments.

CABRERA: And how can someone join?

MELCHOR: Anyone can join, they just have to come in and play during lunch and you can come in as many times as you want or as few times that they want. 

CABRERA: And why do you think people should join your club?

MELCHOR: If you want to experience sports and we know that it’s not usually offered here at this school you should join this club and also make connections and make friends with people interested in the same sport. 

CABRERA: Do guys do any field trips? 

MELCHOR: Unfortunately, we don’t because it’s just in-school tournaments or playing during lunch. 

CABRERA: And who can join your club?

MELCHOR: Anyone can join your club of any grade– freshman, sophomore, junior or seniors.

CABRERA: What time of day do guys meet?

MELCHOR: We’re going to be starting  to meet Mondays and Fridays at lunch in the small gym. 

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi, what club are you from? 


CABRERA: What do you guys do?

SARABIO: We fill out shoe boxes with stuff for kids around the world that can’t enjoy their Christmas because they might be living in poverty so we fill out the shoe boxes with the essentials and also toys that they would want.

CABRERA: How can someone join your club?

SARABIO: They join by signing up for our Remind and then getting the messages and just go to the club.

CABRERA: Why should people join your club?

SARABIO: Because I feel like it’s a good cause for people to join it, and it brings a smile to someone else’s Christmas.

CABRERA: Do you guys go on any field trips?

SARABIO: No, unfortunately. 

CABRERA: Who can join your club?

SARABIO: Anyone can, any grade.

CABRERA: What day and time do guys meet?

SARABIO: There’s not a set time but it’s usually like once a week or once a month. 

CABRERA: Okay. Thank you.


DIAZ: Hi what club are you in?


DIAZ: What do you guys do? 

VALDIVA: So basically every Friday we meet in Mrs. Compton’s room and we just play video games together. It can be a video game or board game, whatever we have in the room. 

DIAZ: How can someone join your club? 

VALDIVA: Oh just by coming. Like I said, we meet every Friday and every once in a while we do these events in the lounge like recently we had a window tournament. 

DIAZ: Why should someone join your club? 

VALDIVA: Oh, they should come because it’s just a way de-stress and have fun with others.

DIAZ:. Do guys go on any field trips? 

VALDIVA: No, no we do not. 

DIAZ: Who can join your club?

VALDIVA: Anyone can really.

DIAZ: What time do you meet? 

VALDIVA: We meet usually during lunch and it depends on the other activities. 


CABRERA:  Hi, what club are you from?

PAOLA SANCHEZ: Bring About Hope.

CABRERA:  What do guys do? 

SANCHEZ: So we’re a mental health club. So we advocate on mental health and we do fun activities to destress.  

CABRERA:  And how can some join your club? 

SANCHEZ: You can join our Remind. It’s just BAHMCHS;   Bring About Hope MCHS and we also have an Instagram so you guys can follow us there and you can just come to any of our meetings; everyone is invited.

CABRERA:  Why do you think people should join your club?

SANCHEZ: I think people should come and join us because we have a bunch of fun so we do fun activities such as making slime, bracelets, and we cover topics about mental health such as stress and anxiety and we do have guest speakers who come in to talk about the topics. 

CABRERA: Okay. Do you guys do any field trips? 

SANCHEZ: We don’t have any field trips, but we do have community service opportunities. So we do go to the park and we work on the community garden. 

CABRERA:  Okay, um who can join your club?

SANCHEZ: Anyone can join our club.

CABRERA:  And what time and day do you guys meet?

SANCHEZ: We typically meet on Thursdays during lunch. 

CABRERA:  Okay. Thank you. 


CABRERA: Hi what club are you from?


CABRERA: What do you guys do? 

LOAIZA: We learn valuable skills to apply to court and learn about the judicial and Supreme Courts. 

CABRERA: How can someone join your club?

LOAIZA: By attending the meetings that are held on Tuesdays or Thursdays during lunch. 

CABRERA: Why do you think people should join your club?

LOAIZA: I think people should join our club because it you like very essential skills, especially if you’re looking to go into the law field, whether that be a judge and attorney or anything that has to do with legal issues, and it’s a very good way to get connected to other people who also are interested in the same things you are.

CABRERA: Do you guys go on any field trips? 

LOAIZA: As of right now we don’t. 

CABRERA: Who can join your club?

LOAIZA: Anyone interested in law or anyone who just wants to learn life skills or about law. 

CABRERA: What time and date do you guys meet?

LOAIZA: On Tuesdays or Thursdays sometimes both during lunch at 11:37. 

CABRERA: Thank you.


CABRERA: Hi what club are you from?

OSCAR HERNANDEZ: I’m from Musicians Unite.

CABRERA: What do you do? 

HERNANDEZ: We just play music and like just usually have meetings to help others like their music or play at assemblies or like Open House. 

CABRERA: Um, how can someone join?

HERNANDEZ: Just attending the meeting meetings and then we have instruments already so like if you want to just go in and practice you can just go. 

CABRERA: Why do you think people should join?

HERNANDEZ: Um, it’s very fun, and you meet a lot of cool people. Um, I met a lot of my closest friends there, it was just overall really fun. 

CABRERA: Do you guys go on any field trips? 

HERNANDEZ: Uh no we just kind of stay in school, but who knows in the future.

CABRERA: What time do guys meet? 

HERNANDEZ: Uh, usually we would meet about from when school ended to 4:30. And yeah.


CABRERA: Thanks for tuning in to our podcast. What clubs do you plan on joining? Stay tuned for upcoming episodes see ya.

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About the Contributors
Karol Cabrera
Karol Cabrera, Staff Writer
My favorite music artist is Lana Del Rey, I have three cats, and I like playing volleyball.
Jocelyn Diaz
Jocelyn Diaz, Staff Writer
I have three cats, I like listening to music, and I like rainy days.