Social media becomes a safety net for the LGBTQ community


Aliris Gonzalez

The growth of the LGBTQ community is supported by an empowered social media.

“Many young teens are now stuck in homes that may be abusive or toxic, so these resources could just save many lives and also help with mental health,” said junior Armando Echeverria.

As we continue moving forward families play a big role in our lives. In some cases, family members are lacking acceptance for teens as they are coming out within the LGBTQ community. When families aren’t creating a support system and accepting them for who they are, social media is available as it creates a gateway for comfort and safety. 

When it comes to social media, there are a variety of emotions, ideas, and thoughts that are being expressed. In addition to the LGBTQ community, people create a supportive and engaging environment that allows other people to spread more positivity.

Senior Adrian Garcia provides his view of the LGBTQ community on social media. 

If we’re talking about positive effects, there is way more awareness of the LGBT community, on TikTok.  There are thousands of coming out stories and people are supporting the individual and offering to help them if necessary,” said Garcia. 

Social media also provides the LBGTQ community with guidance. 

Echeverria, President of the GSA club, contributes to the idea of social advocacy on social media. 

Social advocacy allows posts to reach those in need of help and even educate those who are unaware of whatever is being advocated. It is utilized for people to express themselves and connect with others,” said Echeverria. 

Social media provides their audience with resources that they can benefit from.

Echeverria explains how the LGBTQ community can show empowerment on social media.

“Constant reminders and awareness should be brought to light for individuals who may be struggling with certain issues. The promotion of websites and phone numbers as well to where a person can seek guidance, help or knowledge on any subject matter should be provided,” said Echeverria.

Senior and Vice President of the GSA Club, Evelyn Parra, shares one resource that has been shared through the pandemic. 

“One resource for help I have seen is the Trevor project. This is something to help LGBTQ+ teens who may have feelings of suicide,” said Parra. 

Garcia also adds to how the LGBTQ community can show empowerment through confidence and the process of becoming stronger. 

“People can make collages, with pictures/videos and share their coming out stories or the number of people who have been demonized by people for being gay, straight, trans etc. With these collages, people can see what it’s like being a part of the LGBT community and fearing the outcomes for being open with their sexuality,” said Garcia. 

Vice President of the GSA Club, Evelyn Parra shares her thoughts. 

“As an ally, I believe it is important to acknowledge the injustices that have and still are happening to the LGBTQ+ community and to fight against that. Standing by will not make a difference and if someone is being homophobic, they need to be called out for their actions because it is not okay. It all starts with someone’s actions and stopping them before anymore problems arise,” stated Parra.